RGB ES wrote:
2012/8/23 Rory O'Farrell<ofarr...@iol.ie>:
Announced on the en-Forum and by PM to the Volunteers.
Announced on ES forums. IT forums are not working...

As discussed in other threads, the IT forum now works thanks to imacat, and RGB already posted there.

In the meantime, I:

- Reposted a translated version of the announcement to the two mailing lists in Italian

- Changed the announce banner on http://www.openoffice.org/it

- Changed http://www.openoffice.org/development/releases/3.4.1.html to include links to translated versions of the Release Notes; I could find only the Spanish and Italian versions; if there are more, feel free to add them.

If someone with Roller edit rights could place links to translations at the beginning of
it would be great (note: I mean translations of the post this time, while the paragraph above refers to translations of the Release Notes). In this case, the two translations I managed to find are:
- zh-tw Chinese http://www.openoffice.org/zh-tw/news/aoo341.html
- Italian http://www.openoffice.org/it/stampa/comunicati/aoo341.html
[ If the answer is "Get a Roller account and do it yourself", then just give me one... but I wouldn't use it frequently, so it's absolutely fine if someone who already has access manages to do this quick edit ].


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