On 29.08.2012 16:02, Rob Weir wrote:
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 9:52 AM, Andre Fischer <awf....@gmail.com> wrote:

I just saw that we have now two new binary files in the test/ module.

main/test/testgui/data/svt/complex.ods has a size of 9 424 385 Bytes and
main/test/testgui/data/svt/complex.odt has a size of 27 175 936 Bytes.

I wonder if SVN is really the best place for files that large.

I also don't think that these files should be part of the source release.
But what else would have to be removed that depends on these files?

Any thoughts?

Something to keep in mind is that we'll probably end up with a large
number of test documents, 200+ MB.  Not all of them will be large.
But if we want to have good test coverage then we'll need test
documents to cover all areas, for ODF, MS Binaries and OOXML.  So this
will grow, over time, to a large test set.

This leads to four questions:

1) Should we be testing large/complex documents?

I think the answer is "yes".


2) Should such test documents be in SVN?

I think they should.


3) Should these documents be in the same source tree with the rest of
the code that is downloaded by default for a build?

Maybe not.  Unless they are needed for a smoke test that should be run
by every developer.  But if not, maybe they should be stored in its
own tree, like ooo/test/trunk or something like that.

4) Should these documents be included in the source distribution?

Probably depends on the answer to question 3.  Maybe, maybe not.  Or
maybe we have a separate source distribution artifact only for
test-related files?

My personal opinion is no. I believe that the use case for downloading and building the source release is different from the use case for cloning the SVN repository. I would expect the source release to be used for building AOO, maybe do a simple test to verify that building was successful, and then delete the source code.

If I want to start developing then I would choose SVN. Complex tests would help me to avoid new errors.

I don't see the need for complex tests when my goal is not developing. Lack of trust that we did not run the tests on the released code?

But, of course I can be wrong (and often are :-).




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