If, as Keith proposes, the work is conducted at the ODFAUthors site and the 
ODFAuthors licensing is retained, the question then becomes simply whether 
redistribution on a site in ASF custody is appropriate.

That seems simplest and appropriate.  Even if there is a concern about the 
dual-license affixed to the material, it can always be referenced in a location 
on the ODFAUthors site.

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: TJ Frazier [mailto:tjfraz...@cfl.rr.com] 
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2012 13:17
To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: [User Docs] What do we as a community want for user documentation 
or AOO

On 9/16/2012 14:04, Keith N. McKenna wrote:
[ ... ]

Hi, Keith,

As a long-time volunteer with ODFA (formerly OOA), I can promise that we 
(AOO) can get documents from them. The cost of this option is (1) a 
legal review and approval of CC-BY v3; (2) some storage (WG v3.2 is 15.5 
MB, so call it 100 or 200 MB per version, probably as .odt and .pdf 
files on the Mwiki. The download volume/bandwidth has been too low to 
cause any problems, but I have no stats); and (3) a little politeness.

If someone will handle Point (1), so that we have our ducks in a row, I 
will volunteer to handle Point (3). I can check on Point (2), but I 
don't think it's a problem.

> I will look forward to your edits on the wiki and the doc site.
> As an aside, is there a developer snapshot available or 3.5 yet? I would
> like to start work on the Getting Started Guide on the ODFAuthors site
> and it makes sense to make edits based on 3.5 since that will be the
> most likely next release.
> Regards
> Keith

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