Hi Pedro and *

As branche AOO340 for Apache OpenOffice exists, so do we need
again? we need it for smooth integration for 3.4.2 etc.
Still I'm delaying because difference between 3.4.1 and 3.4.0
(in terms of building; not by playing Angry Birds).

Currently we have:
/usr/ports/editors/openoffice-3-devel (just head)
/usr/ports/editors/openoffice-3 (waiting for update to 3.4.1)

-- Nakata Maho http://accc.riken.jp/maho/ , JA OOO http://ja.openoffice.org/
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nakatamaho/ ,GPG: http://accc.riken.jp/maho/maho.pgp.txt

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