
This procedure lacks transparency and accountability.  It is incompatible with 
how project governance is accomplished.

My recommendation is that those who have some reason to require anonymity with 
regard to their nominations (that is what it is, individuals are asked to make 
10 nominations) should send their nominations to ooo-private@ 

The subject should contain "[PMC] Proposed PMC List" and it should not contain 
any discussion.  These are simply nominations.  The moderators of ooo-private 
will accept those posts from all sources.

When the compilation of nominations is prepared, *all* submitters of 
nominations will be identified in a list as confirmation that their nominations 
were included.  There should be no identification of who has nominated a 
particular individual.  Only the number of nominations for any nominated 
individual should be reported.

It would be useful to have the report double-checked by one or more PPMC 
members to ensure that noone's nominations were overlooked or double counted.  
(On duplicate nominations, the usual rule is to use the latest one received.)

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Rist [mailto:andrew.r...@oracle.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 16:00
To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] [PMC] Proposed PMC List

(top posting after private messages - I cannot describe the shame I 
feel...  ;-)

I have an option that I believe will handle Andrea's concerns.  I have 
spoken with Ross and he is amenable to receiving Proposed PMC entries 
off list.
If anyone is concerned about sending their list to ooo-dev, you can send 
it to Ross ( rgardler at apache) instead, and at the end of the period 
(next Sunday), he will send an anonymized summary of the votes he has 
received, along with a breakdown of submissions by committers/PPMC vs 
other community members.

We have received lists from 10 people and have 25 nominees with multiple 
votes.  It would be great to get even more feedback.


On 9/18/2012 1:17 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> On 17/09/2012 Andrew Rist wrote:
>> * This is not a vote. This is a search for consensus. Please no '-1'
>> replies. Let's see what this process produces, and then discuss
>> from there.
> It seems that the process is working quite well, and that we are on 
> the right way to bootstrap a PMC by consensus.
> I surely don't want to block the current process, but I wonder if 
> allowing people to "vote" (actually, express preferences) anonymously 
> would be better for some volunteers/cultures. Our mentors have often 
> stated that we have secure voting solutions available, but maybe this 
> is overkill and time-consuming, and it would be enough to allow people 
> to send their lists to a mentor (if available), who would repost them 
> here.
> It is not an issue that I feel personally: it's OK for me to continue 
> with public messages on ooo-dev. But it could be that others have 
> problems, and in that case I'd encourage them to speak up so that we 
> can find a way to ensure that everyone can express their opinions.
> Regards,
>   Andrea.

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