OK, you got me ...

Umm, if the third party puts up an AOO-supplied logo, I don't think one can 
learn anything at AOO other than whether or not there are page views that pull 
the resource from the AOO location.  It gets a little messy to track those.

If there is a third-party page or image (or other resource) that AOO holds a 
link to, the operation of that link can be checked from the AOO side by 
performing a get of that resource from a script.  This pull-based scheme seems 
cleaner.  That looks like an easy way to check that the third-party site is 
operating and an agreed resource is still reachable.

 - Dennis 

PS: This can still be gamed.  If there is any doubt, someone might need to fire 
up their browser in a sandbox and go look.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Weir [mailto:robw...@apache.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 14:25
To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Call for comments: Webpage for Listing OpenOffice Consultants

[ ... ]

Dennis will like this.  Just thought of a "poka-yoke" approach to
identifying obsolete listings.  Simply require that the logo be hosted
by the listed company.  That way, if the company moves on, there is a
good chance that the image link will break as well and this will be
obvious when looking at the listings.

[ ... ]

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