Am 10/01/2012 01:32 PM, schrieb Rob Weir:
A response to this thread in general.

Why has no action been taken on this yet?

I'm not trying to blame or accuse anyone, but I would like to figure
out why nothing has happened here yet.  This is one example of several
where issues seem to be discussed at length, but nothing ever happens.

1) Does someone want to fix this but does not feel empowered to do so?
  For example, is someone uncertain whether there is consensus, or is
concerned that if they do act that someone won't like it?

2) Does someone want to fix this but does not know how to do this from
a technical perspective, i.e., how to use the Apache CMS?

3) Does someone want to fix this but does not think that they have
sufficient permissions to do this?

4) Is there a (urgent) need to do the changes now or do we want to wait for the next release to give a little sentence in the announcement?

Hm, I thought we wanted to wait. But I could be wrong.


If someone wants to fix the website, but feels blocked by one of the
above, please speak up, either on the list, or privately.  IMHO none
of the above should be an issue.  We have techniques like "lazy
consensus" that can be used to see whether there is objection to a
given way forward.  And the Apache CMS is open for everyone to use,
whether or not you are a committer.



On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Keith N. McKenna
<>  wrote:
Greetings All;

I was going through FAQ's and other pages on the AOO (incubating) site and
noticed that many still are showing that we support Windows 2000 as a
baseline operating system. I though I remembered some discussions a while
back on this list around that subject and thought we had decided that we
would no longer do that due to lack of testing resources.

I went back through the archives and did find a number of threads but they
never seemed to reach a definite conclusion. I we are going to continue to
support it all well and good, but if we cannot then all FAQ's and other
documentation on the site should change to reflect that.


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