
Am 02.10.2012 13:03, schrieb zhun guo:
> Hi,Zhengfan and Ian Lynch,
>      All format office documents' interoperability is important.
> 1. ODF and OOXML, is more concerned about data storage. Microsoft, and
> OpenOffice is the supporter。But we need ODF and OOXML to be  merged to a
> new one format. And some wroking are doing 。Otherwise, we should face the
> question,just like  Ian Lynch's problem.
> 2. HTML, is more concerned about data revealing。 Google Docs,IBM
> Docs,Microsoft Office 365,Zoho,Think Free,Adobe Acobat, Cisco WebEx ,all
> these cloud office documents select the same format.  Maybe it is a new way
> for office documents interoperability. As Rob Weir ,OASIS OpenDocument TC
> chairman,says"
> I find the topic of web editor interoperability very interesting.  It
> is, in many ways, the continuation of the "office interop" battles we
> have fought for the last decade.  But the new technology brings new
> challenges and new opportunities, and perhaps even an opportunity to
> avoid repeating the mistakes of the past!
>    "
>     ODF? OOXML?PDF?HTML?...I think it is better to choose one format for
> documents interoperability,than choose two or three! It is important ,just
> like ASCII which is the basic for  Information Interchange.
>     Do you agree?

ACSII compared to the characters within a GB18030 font ? This is just
one example why ASCII doesn't work here. UNICODE characters within a XML
based document format is much better for information exchange especially
if you use an application that has been globalized and localized to a
valuable number of languages. And as long as ODF and it's counterparts
are comparable to other document formats then why should there be a new
document format? ODF is ISO and OASIS approved, has been designed for
this purpose and it can be used by everyone. And parts of your ideas
have already been implemented as UOF in China.
Using ODFDOM (http://incubator.apache.org/odftoolkit/) as a basis for
such an application could serve very well as a container to proof
interoperability between applications by using ODF as it's container.

Kind regards, Joost

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