On 10/02/2012 02:22 PM, Rob Weir wrote:
On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 1:03 PM, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 10/02/2012 09:37 AM, Rob Weir wrote:

On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 12:01 PM, Donald Whytock <dwhyt...@gmail.com>

Amazon can be considered a publisher.  They have a mechanism for
publishing one's own ebook.

I just noticed this when I looked to see if there are any new books
from 2012 not on that page.  There are a few books for the Kindle, not
available anywhere else but on Amazon, and having no neutral
identifier like an ISBN number.  So in that case I'd agree that the
publisher is Amazon.

My concern was more that we don't show favoritism toward a particular
book seller for those old-fashioned paper books.

I *like* old-fashioned paper books! :/

Me as well.  But I've run out of room in my house for them, and my
wife won't let me double-stack them in shelves ;-)

ah, I see...everything but my cherished tech bibles gets recycled...no space

see more...

If you're going to allow authors to make their own entries a la
consultants, they should probably be allowed to submit whatever link
they'd prefer.  That might be an Amazon or B&N link, as the author
might not otherwise have his own page.

I was not going down the self-submission of book links path.  I was
just thinking of what we should do to normalize the links we already
have.  But the next step would be that either we maintain the list or
ask the authors to.

Different but related question: ASF would not want to certify,
recommend or otherwise vet consultants because (among other things)
they're changing entities, and may unexpectedly defraud, default or
retire.  Books, on the other hand, are fairly static.  Should there be
a list of AOO-vetted books, which have been reviewed and proven to be
reasonably helpful and accurate?

I'm not sure how we could do this fairly unless we received and
reviewed a copy of each book.

We could provide a comprehensive list of titles that meet some object
criteria, e.g., list "OpenOffice" in the title.  This would be
fair/impartial, but would be less useful to the site visitor because
it would have a lot of junk, e.g., books auto-generated by scraping
Wikipedia content.

A bit of history on these. In the past, authors directly contacted OO.o and
asked for placement on this list -- no review by OO.o, no direct entry by
authors. You will note that a fair number of the entries are from
ODFAuthors, but there were others who were regular contributors as well.


We have three goals/constraints, and they are somewhat conflicting:

1) Help the site visitor (typically a user of OpenOffice) to become
more proficient in the product.   Ideally we'd recommend the best
titles to them.

...and, in truth, do we know what these are? What we love in terms of
explanation, someone else might hate

True.   And we have even less ability to do this for non-English titles.

2) Encourage the overall ecosystem, by making users aware of the best

3) Be fair, impartial, and tread carefully when we touch on commercial
ventures, per our non-profit status.

What is best for 1 and 2 is worst for 3.  Filtering based on quality
is the difficulty.

...yes, and maybe something we don't want to get involved in really

One way out would be to not list books at all, but to just make a
statement along the lines of: "There are many books about OpenOffice,
including eBooks and self-published books in additional to traditional
titles.  Users should be able to find these easily by searching the
catalog of their favorite bookseller".

I would be in favor of this approach, don't list anything but provide links
to resources where some might be found: Lulu, Amazon, etc.

That could work.  Put yourself in the mind of a user.  You are looking
for a book to learn OpenOffice.  What will help you most?

The reason I suggest this -- links to places where some might be found -- is that places like LuLu might be rather off the typical search engine radar.

1) An unannotated list of titles on the OpenOffice website?

2) A list of titles and reviews and star ratings at a retailer like Amazon?

3) A blog post, "Top 7 books to help you learn OpenOffice", with
reviews and comparisons among the books.

I think #3 would be the most useful, but that is not something we
would do at Apache.

Maybe authors will show up at the upcoming ApacheConEU at the OpenOffice gatherings. Get to know them, and interview them if they do!

I like #3 also.

The problem with keeping this list is those who have been recently involved in trademark questions recently, know that some additional books have come down the pike even this year, and they are not listed here and probably the authors don't even know about this list. They are predominantly e-books I think.

Yes, additional ecosystem dialogue is in order.

 But it might be fine for a personal blog post.
#2 is useful, and I think that would be the natural thing that almost
all users would do.  They would not naturally come to our website to
find book listings.  They would go to Amazon and type in "OpenOffice".
   #1 is what we have today, but that is probably the least useful to

And the other goal, of promoting the ecosystem, it might be better to
do this by occasionally interviewing book authors for the project

Anyone else have a thought on this?  I tend to agree with Kay here,
that the book listings should be removed.


   That would let the user find

quality via, say, the rating system at Amazon, peer reviews, etc.  And
we could accomplish #2 by offering to interview book authors on the
project blog.

I have no strong opinion on the long-term maintenance of the book
listings.  I mainly just want to get the current listing in
conformance with emerging policy in this area, and perhaps suggest
this as another topic that the policy might speak to explicitly.

When I made a few modifications yesterday to the Support page, I was
strongly tempted to just get rid of the books list. I value the
contributions these authors have made to the ecosystem, but, I honestly
don't see how we can become book reviewers in the long term. So, I am happy
you have brought raised this issue.



On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

On our support website, at the bottom, we have a list of
OpenOffice-related books:


As you see, we have links to 3rd party pages for purchasing the books,
usually Amazon or Lulu.

I'm in the process of updating this page, as part of adding a list of
consultants, and it occurred to me that we should probably think about
how Shane's draft linking policy applies to books:


One way to think of it is to treat the publisher or author (for
self-published books) as the "consultant" in the terms of the policy.
They are the ones providing the service, via their book.  So we would
allow linking to the author's website or the publisher's website which
describes the book.  But we would not link to Amazon, since they are a
retailer, not the author or the publisher.

Otherwise, same criteria as consultants -- factual list, respect
trademark, impartial,  rel="nofollow", etc.

Does this make sense?



"Just 'cause you got the monkey off your back
  doesn't mean the circus has left town."
                     -- George Carlin


"Just 'cause you got the monkey off your back
 doesn't mean the circus has left town."
                    -- George Carlin

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