On 10/05/2012 07:38 AM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 1:18 PM, Ariel Constenla-Haile

I've been told that a similar problem happens on Debian, and on ubuntu,
with the desktop-integration package

I have installed the latest greatest Debian 6.06 (released this week afaik)
and I was surprised to find out it includes OpenOffice ".org" 3.2.1
(OOO320M19), but in the usual Debian-way, stripped of the OO.o branding.
(Remember, these are the folks who rename Firefox to "Iceweasel" and
SeaMonkey to "Iceape" :-P).

I wonder -since Debian still has not ditched OO.o to LO, if this wouldn´t
be an opportunity for them to package AOO in next versions...

Perhaps so...maybe you could
(a) contact them, or...
(b) package it for them and add to their repository if you can. :)

[I don't know anything about how Debian works by the way].

Anyway, I still believe it is file linkage problems causing this 'soffice' problem as I basically unlinked this (on opensuse) and everything worked fine. However, I have NO knowledge of what's going on with other packagings.

Just thinking aloud..


"Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never
 dealt with a cat."
                               -- Robert Heinlein

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