On Oct 11, 2012, at 9:48 PM, Kevin Grignon <kevingrignon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 4:22 AM, Juergen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Am Montag, 8. Oktober 2012 um 19:03 schrieb Rob Weir:
>>> Some quick observations based on recent experience and metrics. I
>>> think this is important when we consider ways of reaching out for
>>> volunteers.
>>> Facts:
>>> 1) Adding something an the www.openoffice.org homepage, as a news
>>> story, gets around 80K hits/day
>>> 2) Adding something to the header on all of ooo-site gets 800K hits/day
>>> 3) Putting out a blog post on blogs.apache.org gets around 1K hits/day
>>> 4) Sending something out by Twitter gets maybe 1K, but it is a one-time
>> thing
>>> 5) Sending something out via announcement list reaches 8K users, but
>>> this is also one-time
>>> 6) Other mailing lists, like ooo-dev and ooo-users reach a few hundred
>> users
>>> What is effective? What isn't? What gets the eyeballs?
>>> Case 1: Google Moderator
>>> Over we had 1,116 users submit 910 ideas and cast 13,354 votes. This
>>> was promoted via mailing list, social networking, blog post,
>>> announcement list, but it did not really take off until I linked to it
>>> from the website header (method #2 above). This massively increased
>>> the number of people participating.
>>> Case 2: Danish and Polish translators.
>>> I put a brief note on the Danish and Polish homepages, in English,
>>> saying that we would welcome volunteers:
>>> http://www.openoffice.org/da/
>>> This was something so simple, so low tech that I never bothered to do
>>> it before because I was not sure it would be effective. But then I
>>> noticed that these NL home pages were getting nearly 5K hits/day.
>>> Although this is a much smaller audience, it is a very targeted
>>> audience.
>>> Within 48 hours of putting these notes up we now have multiple
>>> volunteers starting to work on completing the Polish and Danish
>>> translations. In fact now we need to worry about how we coordinate
>>> multiple volunteers on the same language, a good problem to have.
>>> Case 3: QA volunteers (a negative example)
>>> We've had a lot of good information on helping test AOO, on the wiki,
>>> automation code checked into SVN, test procedures, test reports, etc.
>>> All of this is happening in the open on ooo-dev and ooo-qa. But I
>>> don't think we have a really attracted any more test volunteers.
>>> Why?
>>> Maybe this is because we have only asked on our lists, which have
>>> relatively few subscribers -- a few hundred -- compared to the how
>>> many we can reach out to via other means.
>>> So based on what I've seen, in this example and others, I'd recommend
>>> thinking like this:
>>> 1) Are we looking for a broad or targeted outreach?
>>> 2) If narrow, look for targeting specific pages on the website that
>>> will be seen by those users
>>> 3) If broad, consider something on the home page or the header on
>>> every page, like we're doing now with ApacheCon.
>>> 4) Even though a blog post gets less traffic, it still might make
>>> sense to start there. It gives you something that you can then think
>>> to from other places, as well as a way to engage with the reader via
>>> comments.
>> thanks for this very interesting and useful observations and hints how to
>> reach a broader audience.
>> Juergen
> Can we set up the header content to cycle through important notices. With
> so many daily hits we should optimize this opportunity.

I like this idea. It would require some changes but one way would be
to have the header markup be static rather than a SSI, but have that
static markup reference a JSON object in an external JS file that
contains the various messages, URL's and weights. Could even be

> Perhaps we could assign priorities to the messages so core messages have
> high visibility, while still leaving some impressions for other messages,
> such as recruiting, surveys, etc.
> Thoughts?
> Regards,
> Kevin

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