2012/11/2 tj <t...@apache.org>

> On 11/2/2012 06:15, RGB ES wrote:
>> 2012/11/2 Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com>
>>  On 11/1/12 9:24 PM, RGB ES wrote:
>>>> A volunteer on the ES wiki that is working on an introduction to macro
>>>> programming, informed that the SyntaxHighlight extension is using the
>>> wrong
>>>> colours for StarBasic, Python and JavaScript.
>>>> Is this something that needs to be informed directly to mediawiki or the
>>>> colours used by the extension are a configuration option set on our
>>>> side?
>>> I don't know which extension we use but I assume it can be configured.
>>> Somebody with karma has to check the extension on our wiki.
>>> Maybe a little bit more info which colors are wrong, or an example. But
>>> what means wrong here, colors are always a matter of taste ;-)
>>> Juergen
>> I think (I'm just reporting the problem ;) ) that in this case wrong means
>> "different from the colours used by the AOO IDE". I'll ask more info to
>> the
>> original reporter.
>> Regards
>> Ricardo
>>  Information about the syntax-highlighting extension can be found on the
> "Version" special page. A quick look at the links tells me we are quite far
> behind in versions (but we are also running old MW software), so complaints
> about problems with an old version are probably useless. I fear that it
> will take a PHP programmer to make any local changes, but I could be wrong.
> Please note that the AOO IDE colors are entirely customizable through
> Tools > Options > Appearance.
> /tj/

The user reporting this problem runs a personal media wiki page. He told me
that the configuration file with colour definitions is located
on extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi/geshi

He shared his config file on the ES forum:


with this definition file the wiki extension shows the same colours used by
default by AOO.


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