After reading this MSDN article
I decided to test these options, and modified orxwin32mak like that (added
security_check) :

!IF "$(NODEBUG)" == "1"
security_check = /GS
security_check = /GS /RTCc /RTCs /RTCu
cflags_common=/EHsc /nologo /D:_X86_ /DWIN32 $(VER_DEF) $(WARNING_FLAGS) -c
$(my_cdebug) $(security_check) $(MK_ASM) $(RXDBG) /DNULL=0

I had my first security error when running the base\class\string testsuite,
but it can be ignored : it's because of the /RTCc option which makes the
runtime complain when casting to (char) in encodeBase64. I bypassed the
errors by and-ing with 0xFF, as explained in the error message.

The rest of the tests in base\class pass without error, including
Stream.testGroup (I saw Ricks'call for test cases, I will try to write some,
but probably not before next WE).

concurency : ok
directives : ok
expressions : ok
keyword : ok

rexxutil : KO
The second security error ocurs when running SysDriveMap.testGroup. The
fifth and sixth call to SysDriveMap raises this error : "Run-Time Check
Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'DeviceName' was corrupted"
In both cases, the call is self~assertNotNull(SysDriveMap(,'local'))
I can't find what's wrong with these two calls, and maybe I loose my time
for nothing, but...

runtime.objects : ok
source.file : ok
special.variables : ok

No security error when running Mike's getc.rex script...

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