In the stream methods arrayout and arrayin where you can specify CHARS
or LINES, there is an inconsistency with most other methods in ooRexx,
in that the argument is case sensitive.

You can specify 'C', but not 'c'.  You can specify "LINES" but not "lines".

It is not documented one way or the other as to being case sensitive,
so I don't think it would hurt anything to change it to be case
insensitive.  It seems relatively easy to fix by using
caselessAbbrev() instead of abbrev():

  if abbrev('LINES', type) then      /* line type operation?              */

The 3.2.0 behavior is the same as 4.0.0, so it is not a case of a
change that was introduced recently.

Should we change it to case insensitive, or just leave it the way it is?

Mark Miesfeld

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