
Off the top of my head, I would say that this is a product of how you
are displaying  the string, and or creating the string, not a problem
with String().  <grin>

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 8:39 AM, Rony G.
Flatscher<> wrote:

> If some const *char string contains UTF chars, and creating a Rexx string of
> it, then it seems that the UTF chars get changed to question marks, rather
> than letting them untouched.

It's hard for me to follow what you are saying here, and I assume you
are taking about using the native API, but let's go down to your
example below.

> where:
>       ä (umlaut a) is actual the sequence of the two chars "0xffffffc3" 
> followed
> by "0xffffffa4"
>       ├ (umlaut u) is actual the sequence of the two chars "0xffffffc3" 
> followed
> by "0xffffffb6"

The docs for the native APIs, for the String() functions always
specify that it is an ASCII-Z string.

"0xffffffc3" is not two chars, it is 4.  So, let's take the sequence of chars:

0xffffffc3 0xffffffa4 0xffffffc3 0xffffffb6

with a space to make it readable, but no space in the actual sequence
of chars.  Here is the print out I get:

Got retStr:    ├   ñ   ├   ╢
Length:     16
char at 1 in decimal: 255
char at 2 in decimal: 255
char at 3 in decimal: 255
char at 4 in decimal: 195
char at 5 in decimal: 255
char at 6 in decimal: 255
char at 7 in decimal: 255
char at 8 in decimal: 164
char at 9 in decimal: 255
char at 10 in decimal: 255
char at 11 in decimal: 255
char at 12 in decimal: 195
char at 13 in decimal: 255
char at 14 in decimal: 255
char at 15 in decimal: 255
char at 16 in decimal: 182

Which is exactly correct.

Here is the Rexx code:

  retStr = rbMale~test(self)
  say 'Got retStr:' retStr
  say 'Length:    ' retStr~length
  do i = 1 to retStr~length
    say 'char at' i "in decimal:" retStr~substr(i, 1)~c2d

In the above, rbMale is an ooDialog radio button.  I have a 'test'
method written in the native API, to return a string.  Like so:

RexxMethod1(RexxStringObject, bc_test, RexxObjectPtr, obj)
    RexxMethodContext *c = context;
    char retStr[17] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc3,
                       0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xa4,
                       0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc3,
                       0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xb6, 0x00};
    char *str = retStr;

    //RexxStringObject result = c->String(retStr, 16);
    //RexxStringObject result = c->String(retStr);
    RexxStringObject result = c->CString(retStr);

    return result;

Any of the forms of the String() API above produce the same output.

> Using the ooRexx CString(str) function to create a Rexx string of such
> strings yields a string that displays two consecutive question marks (??)
> for each such umlaut.

Depending on how, or where, you are displaying this, it is probably
what the display 'thing' is doing.  It replaces un-printable
characters with question marks.  But, as my output above shows, if you
look at what each character in the returned string is, converting it
to decimal to be sure of what it is, it is exactly what it should be.

> It seems that the conversion destroys the embedded UTF
> chars. I would have expected that CString(str) would leave those chars
> untouched

It does leave the chars untouched.  <grin>

> (such that one could feed such chars back to Java such that
> conversion to UTF would yield the original string on the Java side).

You can certainly do this, but it takes some forethought.  For one
thing you have to make sure there is no 0x00 in the middle of the
string.  But, even if there are the String(str, len) format will work
for you.  As long as you know the actual length.

Mark Miesfeld

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