On 02.08.2010 21:03, Mark Miesfeld wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 11:28 AM, Rony G. Flatscher
> <rony.flatsc...@wu-wien.ac.at> wrote:
>> On 02.08.2010 20:14, CVBruce wrote:
>>> I know that I wrote the ooRexx V4.0.1 scripts for MacOS preflight and
>>> postflight to touch only the things that were ooRexx.  They will not
>>> remove BSF4Rexx if present.
>> Hmm, then this is about the install/deinstall scripts of the providers
>> (hence the ooRexx responsible persons)?
> I know that the current debian and rpm packages delete everything
> under /opt/oorexx.  That's why I asked if you had tested.  <grin>
Well, creating an own /opt/bsf4oorexx branch seems to be as easy, if not
easier ...


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