Hi Erico,

On 20.08.2010 18:07, Erico Mendonca wrote:
>>>> On 8/19/2010 at 05:24 PM, in message <4c6d92f1.6090...@wu-wien.ac.at>, 
>>>> "Rony G.
> Flatscher" <rony.flatsc...@wu-wien.ac.at> wrote: 
>> Thank you all very much for your kind help! 
>> Just stumbled over "xdg-open" which is available on the newer Linux 
>> systems (part of the xdg-utils). 
>> ---rony 
> By the way, you can register new mime types for XDG, and it will be picked up 
> by both Gnome and KDE. I think it would be quite useful for ooRexx under 
> Linux. 
Cf. <http://wi.wu-wien.ac.at:/rgf/rexx/bsf4oorexx/archive/2010/> to see
a list of non-public versions of the BSF4ooRexx package, where the July
versions contain already such definitions.

Am still trying to finalize the installation/uninstallation scripts with
desktop integration, to achieve a single double-click install and an
uninstall via menus (just learned all the pecularities in the xdg menu
stuff, where the specs have errors in samples unfortunately, and do not
clearly tell what needs to go where, etc.; costed a *lot* of time,
nerves and energy, but it started to work a couple of hours ago; still
have to write the code to integrate it into the install/uninstall scripts).

> The spec is available here:
> http://standards.freedesktop.org/shared-mime-info-spec/shared-mime-info-spec-latest.html
> To do this, you just need to create a file at the proper place (in this case, 
> /usr/share/mime/packages/oorexx.xml) with the following contents:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <mime-info xmlns="http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info";>
>  <mime-type type="text/x-rexx">
>  <comment>OO Rexx</comment>
>  <glob pattern="*.cls;*.rex;*.rexx"/>
>  </mime-type>
>  <mime-type type="text/x-rexx">
>  <comment>OO Rexx</comment>
>  <glob pattern="*.cls;*.rex;*.rexx"/>
>  </mime-type>
> </mime-info>
The definitions for Rexx programs I am using are (right from the
"oorexx.xml" from the interim BSF4ooRexx packages above):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <mime-info xmlns="http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info";>

      <mime-type type="application/x-rexx">
        <sub-class-of type="text/plain"/>
        <comment>RexxScript (Rexx script) executed by ooRexx</comment>
        <glob  weight="60" pattern="*.cls"/>
        <glob pattern="*.orx"/>
        <glob pattern="*.rex"/>
        <glob pattern="*.rexx"/>
        <glob pattern="*.rex"/>
        <glob pattern="*.testUnit"/>
        <magic priority="75">         <!-- just for testing purposes as 
priority of 60 did not overrule the standard hash bang catching match -->
            <match type="string" offset="0" value="#!/usr/bin/rexx"/>

       - defined for the BSF4ooRexx package, date: 2010-07-30/2010-08-09, 
author: Rony G. Flatscher
       - copy/link to "/usr/share/mime/packages", then run  
"update-mime-database /usr/share/mime"

As you can see there are "little" things like subclassing in there as
well (making it possible to edit those file in addition to executing them).

> Anyway, sorry for hijacking this thread, but what IS the official mime-type 
> for REXX files? I've assumed "text/x-rexx" following the example of other 
> widely used languages present in the current mime database shipped with most 
> distros, but this mime-type is not currently registered with IANA. 
> Shouldn't this mime-type be registered, and the package updated to contain 
> these definitions?
> The mime-type can be registered at:
> http://www.iana.org/cgi-bin/mediatypes.pl
Yes, it should. But I would prefer the ooRexx team, resp. RexxLA does
this registration. In my package I am defining the following mimetypes,
and would suggest that if registering those mimetypes, then all of these
should get registered at once:

    * application/x-rexx
    * application/x-rexx-java
    * application/x-rexx-java-ooo

Thanks for your feedback and hints!



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