On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 6:06 AM, Rony G. Flatscher
<rony.flatsc...@wu-wien.ac.at> wrote:

> while developing an external funciton library for 64-bit ooRexx (using
> 4.1.0) on a 64-bit Linux machine, all of a sudden I have been getting
> segmentation faults in a code segment that contains no Rexx-API code. The
> native code does not itself use glibc's realloc().

If you pass a bad pointer down into someone else's library, that could
cause what you are seeing.  Whether you use realloc or not.

I would google "dbus realloc problem"  There are a lot of hits.  I
didn't look at any of them, but it is possible they could give you a

Mark Miesfeld

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