After porting a dbus language binding for ooRexx to Windows XP and
running some testscripts,  a situation arises where rxapi abends.

The scenario:

    * ooRexx 4.1.0, 32-bit
    * the testscript starts a private dbus which creates a server socket
      and listens to clients (address used by dbus to setup the server:
          o after the testscript ends normally a trap occurs and popup
            is shown (querying whether to send the information to MS)

As setting up the environment is currently complicated, first the
question, whether there is something I can/should do to narrow down the
possible causeß
(The "gut-feeling" says that it has to do with shutting down the server
socket by dbus, which may interfere with rxapi on Windows. The very same
testscripts run flawlessly on Linux and MacOSX.)


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