Hi there,

BSF4ooRexx is package for bridging ooRexx and Java.
[BSF4ooRexx even includes camouflaging support that makes Java appear to be the 
dynamically typed,
case-insensitive ooRexx! :) ]


Please point your browser
 in order to
download the latest version of BSF4ooRexx, which is now "generally available" 
(GA) as of September
8th, 2013.

Please remove first any installed version of BSF4ooRexx (using the BSF4ooRexx 
menu, path
"installation -> uninstall").

After successful installation of BSF4ooRexx you can find further information 
via the installed
BSF4ooRexx menu entitled "Information", which contains PDF-files introducing 
some of the features of
BSF4ooRexx. The information folder also contains a brief introduction to Rexx 
and ooRexx suitable
for programmers who either do not know Rexx or do not (yet) know ooRexx.

If there are any questions with respect to BSF4ooRexx and/or Java then please 
post them on one of
the BSF4ooRexx mailing lists:

  * the BSF4ooRexx developer list:
  * the BSF4ooRexx support list:

In the case you find a bug, then please report it at:

  * <https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=400586&atid=1660873>.

In the case that you look for the documentation of the Java classes used in the 
Rexx nutshell
examples use first the JavaDocs (HTML-pages documenting each Java class) for 
Java 1.4 as this
version of Java has quite legible notations: 

In the case that you need newer JavaDocs, then you may want to use one of:
<http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/> or
<http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/>, which all use heavily the "<xyz>" 
notation for
"generics", which may be quite distracting for novice readers. Hence the advice 
to start out with
the easy to comprehend JavaDocs for Java 1.4! (Please note that the Java 
documentation sites have
plenty of interesting tutorials that demonstrate how to take advantage of the 
functionality of
different kinds of Java classes.)

Information, documentation for BSF4ooRexx and samples can be easily accessed 
via the BSF4ooRexx menu.


About "BSF4ooRexx":

    "BSF4ooRexx" is an external ooRexx function package which camouflages Java 
class libraries as
    ooRexx class libraries. This way one is able to use ooRexx to exploit all 
functionality that any
    Java class library contains, using the dynamic and caseless principles of 
the ooRexx interpreter.

    If you have Apache OpenOffice (AOO, http://openoffice.org) or LibreOffice
    (http://libreoffice.org/) installed, then the BSF4ooRexx installation adds 
ooRexx as a macro
    language to AOO or LO! There are numerous ooRexx examples that demonstrate 
how easy it becomes
    to program AOO (word processor, spreadsheet or presentation module).

    There is no easier way to access Java from ooRexx!

For the BSF4ooRexx team, a RexxLA project.


P.S.: Meet the developers at this year's International Rexx Symposium, cf. 

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