On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 8:32 AM, Mike Cowlishaw <m...@speleotrove.com> wrote:

>  I'm curious Mike, do you have a VC++ debugger installed, and if so is it
> the "Express" version?
> The debugger I start on boot is started via the command:
>   'windbg -IS'
> which I think is from VC [++?] and yes I think the Express version, but
> quite an old one.
windbg used to be distributed in the device driver kit and is different
than the VC++ debugger.  It is supposed to be more powerful, but I don't
know if it has just in time debugging, if it breaks in automatically when a
crash happens on the system.

Looking up some details on windbg, reminded me that the debug build may not
be helpful without the .pdb files that are produced during the compile?

Mark Miesfeld
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