Hi René,

Actually we didn’t need to disable optimizations before. We did see this 
problem with ooRexx 4.2.0 recently as well, and our colleague Marguerite 
disable the optimizations. This appears to be a GCC bug.

I’ll check tomorrow if there is an open bug and see what we can do about it.

— Erico Mendonça
Dedicated Support Engineer

Em 10/07/16 14:48, "René Jansen" 
<rvjan...@xs4all.nl<mailto:rvjan...@xs4all.nl>> escreveu:

Indeed. I spent quite a few hours on this yesterday and today but I forgot to 
report back.

@Rick, thanks for the suggestions; I am also of the opinion that it is an 
optimizer bug. If I move the code around, it always chokes on the mov 
0x8(%rbp),%rax instruction. Googling for that, I hit several articles that 
discuss optimizing virtual function calls. There is very similar C++ code in 
interpreter/memory/RexxMemory. Is that still used in combination with the 
platform dependent versions around?

@Erico, did you hit any problem with building rexx.img with an optimizing GNU 
C++ 6.X compiler on OpenSUSE? We cannot release non-optimized versions as they 
are one third of the speed of the optimized code, that would regress the CPS - 
which is very fine at the moment.

@Erich, I am happy that you confirm this; I first had some trouble to make sure 
that older libraries from /usr/lib64 were not used and I have resorted to 
putting std::cout calls to trace. We might have to revisit the @rpath settings 
for Linux also.

I reverted all local work on this and have downgraded my C++ compiler for 
OpenSUSE to 5.3.1, and have set the Jenkins build to Release; it builds without 
a hitch.

I am sure we need to revisit this sometime in the future, let’s wait out a few 
compiler releases and then investigate. If I can figure out how to set a 
breakpoint in C++ in GDB I’ll send the generated code to the compiler 
maintainers. Do I need the mangled names? Do I need the arguments? But first 
there is the EK 2016 final - I think that is more distractive than the 
Wimbledon final today.

best regards,


On 10 jul. 2016, at 19:20, Erich Steinböck 
<erich.steinbo...@gmail.com<mailto:erich.steinbo...@gmail.com>> wrote:

With this patch applied ..

--- interpreter/platform/unix/MemorySupport.cpp (revision 11101)
+++ interpreter/platform/unix/MemorySupport.cpp (working copy)
@@ -216,16 +216,9 @@
     else                                /* uncommitted not enough need a new 
pool */
         MemorySegmentPool *newPool = new (minSize) MemorySegmentPool;
-        if (newPool)
-        {                    /* Did we get a new Pool?            */
-            next = newPool;         /* Anchor it to end of chain         */
-            memoryObject.memoryPoolAdded(newPool);  // tell the memory object 
we'v added a new pool
-            return newPool->newSegment(minSize);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            return NULL;
-        }
+        next = newPool;         /* Anchor it to end of chain         */
+        memoryObject.memoryPoolAdded(newPool);  // tell the memory object we'v 
added a new pool
+        return newPool->newSegment(minSize);
I compiled with gcc 6.1.1, ran into the same exception, and have this gdb 

erichst@erich-vm:~/oorexxbuild/611retail/bin$ gdb ./rexximage
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.11.1-0ubuntu1~16.04) 7.11.1
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".
Reading symbols from ./rexximage...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/erichst/oorexxbuild/611retail/bin/rexximage
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff7b5d517 in MemorySegmentPool::newSegment(unsigned long) ()
   from /home/erichst/oorexxbuild/611retail/bin/librexx.so.5.0.0
(gdb) thread apply all bt full

Thread 1 (Thread 0x7ffff7fe5740 (LWP 21587)):
#0  0x00007ffff7b5d517 in MemorySegmentPool::newSegment(unsigned long) ()
   from /home/erichst/oorexxbuild/611retail/bin/librexx.so.5.0.0
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x00007ffff7b26af6 in MemoryObject::newSegment(unsigned long, unsigned 
long) () from /home/erichst/oorexxbuild/611retail/bin/librexx.so.5.0.0
No symbol table info available.
#2  0x00007ffff7b1a6a8 in NormalSegmentSet::NormalSegmentSet(MemoryObject*) ()
   from /home/erichst/oorexxbuild/611retail/bin/librexx.so.5.0.0
No symbol table info available.
#3  0x00007ffff7b28b8d in MemoryObject::initialize(bool) ()
   from /home/erichst/oorexxbuild/611retail/bin/librexx.so.5.0.0
No symbol table info available.
#4  0x00007ffff7b628b8 in 
Interpreter::startInterpreter(Interpreter::InterpreterStartupMode) () from 
No symbol table info available.
#5  0x00000000004006e9 in main ()
No symbol table info available.
(gdb) disass
Dump of assembler code for function _ZN17MemorySegmentPool10newSegmentEm:
   0x00007ffff7b5d4c0 <+0>:     push   %r13
   0x00007ffff7b5d4c2 <+2>:     push   %r12
   0x00007ffff7b5d4c4 <+4>:     lea    0xfff(%rsi),%r12
   0x00007ffff7b5d4cb <+11>:    push   %rbp
   0x00007ffff7b5d4cc <+12>:    push   %rbx
   0x00007ffff7b5d4cd <+13>:    mov    %rdi,%rbp
   0x00007ffff7b5d4d0 <+16>:    mov    %rsi,%r13
   0x00007ffff7b5d4d3 <+19>:    and    $0xfffffffffffff000,%r12
   0x00007ffff7b5d4da <+26>:    sub    $0x8,%rsp
   0x00007ffff7b5d4de <+30>:    jmp    0x7ffff7b5d517 
   0x00007ffff7b5d4e0 <+32>:    mov    0x20(%rbp),%rdx
   0x00007ffff7b5d4e4 <+36>:    cmp    %rdx,%r12
   0x00007ffff7b5d4e7 <+39>:    jbe    0x7ffff7b5d540 
   0x00007ffff7b5d4e9 <+41>:    mov    %r13,%rsi
   0x00007ffff7b5d4ec <+44>:    mov    $0x38,%edi
   0x00007ffff7b5d4f1 <+49>:    callq  0x7ffff7aa86f0 
   0x00007ffff7b5d4f6 <+54>:    mov    %rax,%rdi
   0x00007ffff7b5d4f9 <+57>:    mov    %rax,%rbx
   0x00007ffff7b5d4fc <+60>:    callq  0x7ffff7aab5a0 
   0x00007ffff7b5d501 <+65>:    mov    0x2681b8(%rip),%rdi        # 
   0x00007ffff7b5d508 <+72>:    mov    %rbx,0x0(%rbp)
   0x00007ffff7b5d50c <+76>:    mov    %rbx,%rsi
   0x00007ffff7b5d50f <+79>:    mov    %rbx,%rbp
   0x00007ffff7b5d512 <+82>:    callq  0x7ffff7aafe20 
=> 0x00007ffff7b5d517 <+87>:    mov    0x8(%rbp),%rax
   0x00007ffff7b5d51b <+91>:    test   %rax,%rax
   0x00007ffff7b5d51e <+94>:    je     0x7ffff7b5d4e0 
   0x00007ffff7b5d520 <+96>:    cmp    (%rax),%r13
   0x00007ffff7b5d523 <+99>:    ja     0x7ffff7b5d4e0 
   0x00007ffff7b5d525 <+101>:   movq   $0x0,0x8(%rbp)
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
At a first glance this seems to be exactly the same instruction as before .. 

On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 4:06 PM, Rick McGuire 
<object.r...@gmail.com<mailto:object.r...@gmail.com>> wrote:

On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 9:42 AM, René Jansen 
<rene.vincent.jan...@gmail.com<mailto:rene.vincent.jan...@gmail.com>> wrote:

When specifying CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release the rexx image does not build on 
Tumbleweed. It receives a segmentation fault in MemorySegmentPool::newSegment().

This was an opportunity to look into how this image is built. This is what 

utilities/rexximage.cpp calls RexxCreateInterpreterImage() in 
==> Interpreter::startInterpreter with SAVE_IMAGE_MODE in 
==> calls memoryObject.initialize(mode == RUN_MODE) in 
==> createImage() which is in interpreter/memory/Setup.cpp sets up
==> interpreter/memory/RexxMemory.cpp MemoryObject::saveImage() saves the image 
to a file

When I debug ./rexximage it fails in above call. Compiler is gnu 6.1.1. With 
this working on other compilers and other platforms, it might be a compiler 
bug; on the other hand, structures might be bigger and we run out of space. 
Anyone seen this before?

Reading symbols from ./rexximage...done.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/rvjansen/workspace/workspace/build/bin/rexximage
Missing separate debuginfos, use: zypper install 
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/libthread_db.so.1".

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff7b5f517 in MemorySegmentPool::newSegment(unsigned long) ()
   from /home/rvjansen/workspace/workspace/build/bin/librexx.so.5.0.0
Missing separate debuginfos, use: zypper install 
(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function _ZN17MemorySegmentPool10newSegmentEm:
   0x00007ffff7b5f4c0 <+0>: push   %r13
   0x00007ffff7b5f4c2 <+2>: push   %r12
   0x00007ffff7b5f4c4 <+4>: lea    0xfff(%rsi),%r12
   0x00007ffff7b5f4cb <+11>: push   %rbp
   0x00007ffff7b5f4cc <+12>: push   %rbx
   0x00007ffff7b5f4cd <+13>: mov    %rdi,%rbp
   0x00007ffff7b5f4d0 <+16>: mov    %rsi,%r13
   0x00007ffff7b5f4d3 <+19>: and    $0xfffffffffffff000,%r12
   0x00007ffff7b5f4da <+26>: sub    $0x8,%rsp
   0x00007ffff7b5f4de <+30>: jmp    0x7ffff7b5f517 
   0x00007ffff7b5f4e0 <+32>: mov    0x20(%rbp),%rdx
   0x00007ffff7b5f4e4 <+36>: cmp    %rdx,%r12
   0x00007ffff7b5f4e7 <+39>: jbe    0x7ffff7b5f540 
   0x00007ffff7b5f4e9 <+41>: mov    %r13,%rsi
   0x00007ffff7b5f4ec <+44>: mov    $0x38,%edi
   0x00007ffff7b5f4f1 <+49>: callq  0x7ffff7ab0530 
   0x00007ffff7b5f4f6 <+54>: mov    %rax,%rdi
   0x00007ffff7b5f4f9 <+57>: mov    %rax,%rbx
   0x00007ffff7b5f4fc <+60>: callq  0x7ffff7ab33a0 
   0x00007ffff7b5f501 <+65>: mov    0x2671b8(%rip),%rdi        # 0x7ffff7dc66c0
   0x00007ffff7b5f508 <+72>: mov    %rbx,0x0(%rbp)
   0x00007ffff7b5f50c <+76>: mov    %rbx,%rsi
   0x00007ffff7b5f50f <+79>: mov    %rbx,%rbp
   0x00007ffff7b5f512 <+82>: callq  0x7ffff7ab7c10 

If this is the location of the trap, then it looks like an optimizer bug to me. 
The generated code doesn't seem to correspond to the source code at all. Note 
that the call to new MemorySegmentPool happens after the call to 
MemoryObject.memoryPoolAdded(), which is completely out of order since the 
value returned from new MemorySegmentPool is the value that gets passed to 
memoryPoolAdded. This generated sequence doesn't make any sense at all!

The only thing I can suggest is playing around with the structure of the code a 
little to see if you can make it go away. However, this looks so bad that I 
wonder if this is just the tip of the iceberg. Here's a slightly restructured 
bit of code to try out:

    size_t segmentSize = Memory::roundPageSize(minSize); /* compute commit size 

    /* enough space for request          */

    if (uncommitted >= segmentSize)


        MemorySegment *newSeg = new (nextAlloc) MemorySegment (segmentSize);

        uncommitted -= segmentSize; /* Adjust uncommitted amount         */

        nextAlloc += segmentSize;   /* Adjust to next Allocation addr    */

        return newSeg;


    MemorySegmentPool *newPool = new (minSize) MemorySegmentPool;

    if (newPool != NULL)

    {                    /* Did we get a new Pool?            */

        next = newPool;         /* Anchor it to end of chain         */

        memoryObject.memoryPoolAdded(newPool);  // tell the memory object we'v 
added a new pool

        return newPool->newSegment(minSize);


    return NULL;
As I was rewriting this, I wonder if the compiler is getting confused by the 
test of the newPool after the new. A new operator is not supposed to return a 
NULL value, so perhaps the compiler just got confused by how this was handled. 
I just double checked and this new operator raises an error that will not 
return to this point if there is an allocation failure, so that little bit of 
logic doesn't make any sense. This reduces the logic to this:

    MemorySegmentPool *newPool = new (minSize) MemorySegmentPool;

    next = newPool;         /* Anchor it to end of chain         */

    memoryObject.memoryPoolAdded(newPool);  // tell the memory object we'v 
added a new pool

    return newPool->newSegment(minSize);


=> 0x00007ffff7b5f517 <+87>: mov    0x8(%rbp),%rax
   0x00007ffff7b5f51b <+91>: test   %rax,%rax
   0x00007ffff7b5f51e <+94>: je     0x7ffff7b5f4e0 
   0x00007ffff7b5f520 <+96>: cmp    (%rax),%r13
   0x00007ffff7b5f523 <+99>: ja     0x7ffff7b5f4e0 
   0x00007ffff7b5f525 <+101>: movq   $0x0,0x8(%rbp)
   0x00007ffff7b5f52d <+109>: add    $0x8,%rsp
   0x00007ffff7b5f531 <+113>: pop    %rbx
   0x00007ffff7b5f532 <+114>: pop    %rbp
   0x00007ffff7b5f533 <+115>: pop    %r12
   0x00007ffff7b5f535 <+117>: pop    %r13
   0x00007ffff7b5f537 <+119>: retq
   0x00007ffff7b5f538 <+120>: nopl   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
   0x00007ffff7b5f540 <+128>: mov    0x10(%rbp),%rax
I set the OpenSUSE build back to non-optimizing.

best regards,


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