While creating debug statements that should show the contents of argument 
arrays I stumbled over the
following behaviour:

    REXX-ooRexx_4.2.0(MT)_32-bit 6.04 22 Feb 2014
      rexxtry.rex lets you interactively try REXX statements.
        Each string is executed when you hit Enter.
        Enter 'call tell' for a description of the features.
      Go on - try a few...            Enter 'exit' to end.

    a=.array~of(.object~new,.object~new);say a; say "a~makeString:" 
a~makestring; say "a~toString:" a~toString("l",',')
    an Array
    *a~toString: ,*
      ........................................... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT
    a=.array~of("abc","def");say a; say "a~makeString:" a~makestring; say 
"a~toString:" a~toString("l",',')
    an Array
    a~makeString: abc def
    *a~toString: abc,def*
      ........................................... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT
    a=.array~of(.object~new,"def");say a; say "a~makeString:" a~makestring; say 
"a~toString:" a~toString("l",',')
    an Array
    a~makeString: def
    *a~toString: ,def*
      ........................................... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT

In ooRexx 4.2.0 it seems that when creating the string from the content of an 
array using the
.array's toString() method the required string value of non-string objects is 
not requested. As a
(somewhat misleading) result non-string entries in the array are not 
displayed/shown, as if they did
not exist. This looks like a bug, given, that the documentation (also 5.0.0) 
does not point out that
surprising behaviour.

Before filing a bug in the tracker I would like to know, what the desired 
behaviour should be. Or
with other words, is this a bug or a shortcome in the documenation of the 
toString method in the
.array class?

Any comments?

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