Here are the results of comparing the test units that got created to test the 
ooRexx security
manager on ooRexx 3.2.0, 4.2.0 and 5.0beta:

    *security*  * *     *Security Manager via*  *
    *   *
    *   *
    *   *
    *   *
    *   *
    *   *
    *message*   *info-directory*        */Method/-Object*       * *     
*/Routine/-Object*      * *     */Package/-Object*      *
    *   * *     *3.2.0*         *4.2.0*         *5.0beta*       *3.2.0*         
*4.2.0*         *5.0beta*       *3.2.0*         *4.2.0*         *5.0beta*
    *CALL*      * *     pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    pass    n/a     
fail    fail
    *   *NAME*  pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    pass    n/a     pass    
    *   *ARGUMENTS*     pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    pass    n/a     
pass    pass
    *   *RESULT*        pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    pass    n/a     
pass    fail
    *COMMAND*   pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    pass    n/a     pass    
    *   *RC*    pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    pass    n/a     pass    
    *   *FAILURE*       pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    pass    n/a     
pass    pass
    *   * *     
        trace-output shown on failure           
        trace-output shown on failure           
        trace-output shown on failure   
    *   *ERROR*         pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    pass    n/a     
pass    pass
    *ENVIRONMENT*       pass    pass    fail    n/a     pass    fail    n/a     
pass    pass
    *   *NAME*  pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    fail    n/a     pass    
    *   *RESULT*        pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    fail    n/a     
pass    pass
    *LOCAL*     * *     pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    pass    n/a     
pass    pass
    *   *NAME*  pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    pass    n/a     pass    
    *   *RESULT*        pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    pass    n/a     
pass    pass
    *METHOD*    * *     pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    pass    n/a     
pass    pass
    *   *OBJECT*        pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    pass    n/a     
pass    pass
    *   *NAME*  pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    pass    n/a     pass    
    *   *ARGUMENTS*     pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    pass    n/a     
pass    pass
    *REQUIRES*  pass    fail    fail    n/a     fail    fail    n/a     fail    
    *   *NAME*  pass    pass    pass    n/a     pass    fail    n/a     fail    
    *   *SECURITYMANAGER*       pass    fail    fail    n/a     fail    fail    
n/a     fail    fail
    *STREAM*    * *     pass    fail    fail    n/a     fail    fail    n/a     
fail    fail
    *   *NAME*  uppercased      uppercased      pass    n/a     uppercased      
pass    n/a     fail    fail
    *   * *     
        not using       not using       
        not using       not using       
        not using       not using
    *   * *     
        supplied        supplied        
        supplied        supplied        
        supplied        supplied 
    *   * *     
        stream!         stream!         
        stream!         stream!         
        stream!         stream!

As you can see, taking advantage of the ooRexx security manager using 
method-objects on ooRexx 3.2.0
works as documented in the ooRexx Reference (rexxref.pdf), "Chapter 13. The 
Security Manager". There
is one glitch there when monitoring the stream-bifs: the supplied file name 
(fully qualified) is
returned in uppercase! (As Windows does not distinguish between lower and 
uppercase in its
file-system, this glitch got unnoticed.)

ooRexx 4.x introduced the fundamental classes "Routine" and "Package". This 
version introduced also
the ability to carry out a "dynamic requires" with the following code:
Using the securtiy
manager with routine objects works with two exceptions: intercepting the 
::requires-directive and
using a stream-object to be used for the stream-BIFs. Using package objects 
works with three
exceptions: intercepting the CALL security message, the REQUIRES security 
message and using a
stream-object to be used for the stream-BIFs.

Using the ooRexx 5.0beta security manager works with four exceptions: 
intercepting the CALL security
message, the COMMAND security message, the REQUIRES security message and using 
a stream-object to be
used for the stream-BIFs.

All three versions of ooRexx also exhibit an interesting behaviour with the 
COMMAND security
message, when defining that a FAILURE should be raised in the supervised 
program: in such a case the
failed command will be always shown formatted as a Rexx trace!


General conclusion:

  * Using method-objects: in ooRexx 3.2 when creating a method object with any 
Rexx code, does not
    execute the code, such that an existing ::REQUIRES directive does not get 
carried out. This
    allows for setting a security manager for that method object, which then 
will be used when using
    "RUN" to execute the Rexx code in that method object.
    In ooRexx 4.2 and 5.0 it seems that the REQUIRES directive is not executed. 
When executing code
    with a dynamic requires and defining a security manager before running the 
code works. If in a
    dynamic REQUIRE message a security manager is set for the required file, 
then that required file
    is *not* run using that security manager.
    If the STREAM security message for BIFs returns an object to serve as the 
stream object, then
    the BIFs do not use that object on 4.2 and 5.0beta.
  * Using routine-objects: in essence using a security manager on 
result-objects behaves the same as
    on method-objects on ooRexx 4.2.
    ooRexx 5.0beta introduces an additional error in processing the REQUIRES 
security message, which
    seems to be never sent; it seems that ooRexx 5.0beta processes the REQUIRES 
directives at
    routine object creation time, unlike ooRexx 3.2 and 4.2!
  * Using package-objects: it seems that when creating a package object the 
requires directives get
    processed already! So a security manager can currently only be set, *after* 
the ("REQUIRES")
    fact, which would pose a security hole, if requires directives should be 
executed under the
    auspices of a security manager!
    There may be two different solutions possible to this: either do not 
process the
    requires-directives at package creation time, but at "addPackage"-time, or 
alternatively, allow
    for an optional second security manager argument in the constructor, which 
if present should be
    used when processing the requires-directives.

Will be uploading the latest set of test units to 
<> in
a few moments. In addition I will also upload the Excel-Spreadsheet used to tag 
the test results for
the security manager messages carried out on ooRexx 3.2.0, 4.20 and 5.0beta.

This concludes my work on creating and analyzing the test units for testing the 
ooRexx security
manager. (Of course, if anyone finds tests missing, then please let me know!)


One question though: should I create individual bug reports in the ooRexx bug 
database, pointing at
the test unit methods exhibiting the found bugs? If so, should I also add a bug 
for 3.2.0 w.r.t.
STREAM security message supplying the filename mistakingly in uppercase (was 
fixed in 5.0beta for
.method and .routine objects!), just to have it on file for regression analysis?


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