Hi Chip,

On 04.09.2018 21:55, Chip Davis wrote:
> I would like to think that
>       ADDRESS [ env | SYSTEM | ENVIRONMENT ] ... cmd
> would be a trivial and non-controversial enhancement to aid cross-platform 
> Rexx code.  I've never
> been wild about the null string being a default for anything.  (I have a 
> faint memory that once
> two Address'ed environments were set up, one could toggle from one to the 
> other with simply
> 'Address'.  I find that reprehensible coding and would never have used it, so 
> perhaps that is a
> false memory in the first place.)

> I vaguely remember seeing the 'PARSE ARRAY ...' suggestion come up but don't 
> recall the discussion
> or any consensus/objections.  Could you provide a brief review?
On 2018-04-13 Erich suggested a "multi return" ability for ooRexx (1) with 
comments in (2), (3),
(4). Rick started work, experiments in the sandbox on "multiReturn" and finally 
removed that sandbox
item (5) on 2018-08-10 stating "delete sandbox version of idea that did not pan 
out", with an
exchange in (6) and (7), causing the PARSE ARRAY idea in (8).

The idea as expressed in RFE 718 (9) is based on the existing PARSE keyword 
statement which allows
for assigning (parsed) parts of a string to different variables in one 
statement. Extending this
idea and applying it on array objects, which have become to be the most 
important and mostly used
collection type in ooRexx, especially 5.0beta, yielded the RFE.

It would allow for assigning the content of an array to multiple variables in 
one statement as is a
feature of the Rexx PARSE keyword statement, adjusting for ooRexx array objects 
and semantics (like
using .nil not an empty string if referring to a non existent item as ooRexx 
users would expect etc.).

One application of this would allow conceptually to implement the multi return 
idea, if an array
gets returned that will be parsed according to the template and assigned to the 
variables in the
template in one single statement.


(1) https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/mailman/message/36292736/
(2) https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/mailman/message/36294936/
(3) https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/mailman/message/36292740/
(4) https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/mailman/message/36294915/
(5) https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/code-0/11478
(6) https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/mailman/message/36390226/
(7) https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/mailman/message/36390231/
(8) https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/mailman/message/36391066/
(9)  <https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/feature-requests/718/>

> On 9/4/2018 11:47 AM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> While discussing on this list in the past there were two ideas that came up 
>> and which I just
>> documented in the request-for-enhancement (RFE) tracker of ooRexx, such that 
>> they do not get
>> forgotten:
>>   * *PARSE ARRAY arr template*
>>     <https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/feature-requests/718/>
>>   * *ADDRESS: Add the Synonyms SYSTEM and ENVIRONMENT for ""
>>     *<https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/feature-requests/719/>
>> Any feedback, discussion appreciated!
>> ---rony

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