
On 19.11.2018 16:14, CV Bruce wrote:
> Does anyone know if there is a “verbose” option that would print out test 
> results as each test is
> performed? That way we can at least see where we are dying.
you can see the most important switches with:

    testOORexx --help

So the switch "-S" (capital S) will sho you the execution of the individual 
test cases.



> On Nov 18, 2018, at 3:45 PM, P.O. Jonsson < 
> <>> wrote:
>> dear Bruce,
>> I have updated using svn to todays built r11519, created an installer and 
>> installed a working
>> installation of ooRexx. I have also downloaded the corresponding test folder 
>> structure: 
>> oorexx-code-0-r11519-test-trunk/
>> Then I move into oorexx-code-0-r11519-test-trunk/
>> and set up the environment
>> bash
>> After that I can run a single test (the example in readme.first uses a 
>> partial path, this is not
>> something I invented so don’t shoot me ok?)
>> rexx testOORexx.rex -R ./ooRexx/base/expressions -f Addition
>> This produces the desired output
>> POs-MacBook-Pro:oorexx-code-0-r11519-test-trunk po$ rexx testOORexx.rex -R
>> ./ooRexx/base/expressions -f Addition
>> Searching for test containers..
>> Executing automated test suite..
>> ooTest Framework - Automated Test of the ooRexx Interpreter
>> Interpreter:        REXX-ooRexx_5.0.0(MT)_64-bit 6.05 18 Nov 2018
>> OS Name:            DARWIN
>> SysVersion:         Darwin Darwin Kernel Version 17.7.0: Wed Oct 10 23:06:14 
>> PDT 2018;
>> root:xnu-4570.71.13~1/RELEASE_X86_64.17.7.0
>> Tests ran:          200
>> Assertions:         304
>> Failures:           0
>> Errors:             0
>> File search:        00:00:00.010274
>> Suite construction: 00:00:00.005753
>> Test execution:     00:00:00.016902
>> Total time:         00:00:01.013693
>> I can then do the same for a whole set of tests
>> rexx testOORexx.rex -R ./ooRexx/base/expressions
>> BUT, when I try to run the whole suite like this:
>> rexx testOORexx
>> I get stuttering dots every second and after some time things like this
>> oorexx-code-0-r11519-test-trunk po$ rexx testOORexx.rex
>> Searching for test containers....
>> Executing automated test suite.............
>> REX121: Storage for data queues is exhausted.
>> .
>> REX121: Storage for data queues is exhausted.
>> REX121: Storage for data queues is exhausted.
>> cat: stdout: Broken pipe
>> .
>> And I have to kill a rexx process manually to get it stopped.
>> It seems to me that when I do not find the test the program gets out of 
>> control,
>> Please advice how to refer to the whole set of test cases, I tried some 
>> variants, but failed.
>> Von meinen Macbook gesendet
>> Hälsningar/Regards/Grüsse,
>> P.O. Jonsson
>> <>
>>> Am 18.11.2018 um 21:05 schrieb CV Bruce < 
>>> <>>:
>>> That depends. you need to pull ooTest from the same build level, I believe.
>>> Bruce
>>>> On Nov 18, 2018, at 11:50 AM, P. O. Jonsson < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the info, I have done it the way you proposed including the 
>>>> shell script but I have
>>>> an older build of ooRexx, can that be the problem?
>>>> I will try further tomorrow, thanks for all the feedback.  
>>>> Hälsningar/Regards/Grüsse,
>>>> P. O. Jonsson
>>>> Von meinem iPhone gesendet
>>>> Am 18.11.2018 um 20:07 schrieb CV Bruce < 
>>>> <>>:
>>>>> I looked at some of my runs from many years ago, and the run time was 
>>>>> less then three minutes.
>>>>>  Also, after a test run be sure that all of the files created during the 
>>>>> test run are deleted.
>>>>>  They should be, but double check.  Also my prior comment (off line) 
>>>>> regarding RXAPI.  It is
>>>>> probably best to kill it and restart it manually so that you can be sure 
>>>>> that you are getting
>>>>> the version that was from the current build. 
>>>>> Bruce
>>>>>> On Nov 18, 2018, at 10:48 AM, CV Bruce < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> It’s been a while since I’ve run the test suite, but it shouldn’t take 
>>>>>> more than 15 minutes
>>>>>> or so.
>>>>>> In the past, I’ve run into the situation that you have, and it generally 
>>>>>> means that either
>>>>>> your invocation or your environment isn’t set up correctly.
>>>>>> Bruce
>>>>>>> On Nov 18, 2018, at 10:41 AM, P.O. Jonsson < 
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Developers,
>>>>>>> I have downloaded the test environment
>>>>>>> from : as suggested 
>>>>>>> by Rick and have
>>>>>>> started to run the available test cases (on a Mac). It has now been 
>>>>>>> running for four hours
>>>>>>> and I wonder what the expected completion time is on a decent i5 
>>>>>>> machine? There is no lack
>>>>>>> of memory (11 from 16 GB still available) and the machine is in average 
>>>>>>> 95% idling. Should I
>>>>>>> abort and try a subset first or is it normal to have these runtimes? I 
>>>>>>> have seen that there
>>>>>>> are many many tests. The „dots“ go on for another page or so. I will do 
>>>>>>> the same on a Win
>>>>>>> machine to see if there is a difference but some input is welcome on 
>>>>>>> what to expect. I have
>>>>>>> run the shell script to set up the test environment and I have done 
>>>>>>> what is set out in
>>>>>>> readme.first.
>>>>>>> Os-MacBook-Pro:oorexx-code-0-r11517-test-trunk po$ rexx testOORexx.rex 
>>>>>>> -X native_API
>>>>>>> Searching for test containers...
>>>>>>> Executing automated test 
>>>>>>> suite..............................................
>>>>>>> .....................................................     
>>>>>>> ......................
>>>>>>> ...........................................................................
>>>>>>> As a side remark: all rexx files (including the test case files in 
>>>>>>> /test/trunk have the
>>>>>>> shebang #!/usr/bin/rexx rather than #! /usr/bin/env rexx
>>>>>>> PS the exercise with test cases for the samples is for me also a test 
>>>>>>> to benchmark the
>>>>>>> installer I am working on, so please bear with my qs
>>>>>>> Von meinen Macbook gesendet
>>>>>>> Hälsningar/Regards/Grüsse,
>>>>>>> P.O. Jonsson
>>>>>>> <>

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