agrellum@openindiana:~$ rexx -v
Open Object Rexx Version 5.0.0 r11767
Build date: Feb 16 2019
Addressing mode: 64
Copyright (c) 1995, 2004 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2005-2019 Rexx Language Association. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms
of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution or at

agrellum@openindiana:~$ rexx rexxcps.rex
----- REXXCPS 2.1 -- Measuring REXX clauses/second -----
 REXX version is: REXX-ooRexx_5.0.0(MT)_64-bit 6.05 16 Feb 2019
       System is: SUNOS
       Averaging: 100 measures of 100 iterations

Total (full DO): 0.02306898 secs (average of 100 measures of 100 iterations)
Time for one iteration (1000 clauses) was: 0.0002306898 seconds

     Performance: 4334825 REXX clauses per second

agrellum@openindiana:~/test$ rexx testOORexx.rex -X native_api
Searching for test containers.....
Executing automated test suitePlaying the speaker failed, using a bell character
Playing the speaker failed, using a bell character
Playing the speaker failed, using a bell character
...     ...........................................
.........................................................../usr/bin/sh: line 1: zxyabc: not found
..../usr/bin/sh: line 1: zxyabc: not found

ooTest Framework - Automated Test of the ooRexx Interpreter

Interpreter:        REXX-ooRexx_5.0.0(MT)_64-bit 6.05 16 Feb 2019
OS Name:            SUNOS
SysVersion:         SunOS 5.11

Tests ran:          22621
Assertions:         377342
Failures:           4
Errors:             0

[failure] [20190216 09:14:09.462105]
  svn:    r11734   Change date: 2019-02-08 15:41:41 -0500
  Class:  SysFileXXX.testgroup
  File: /export/home/agrellum/test/ooRexx/base/rexxutil/SysFileXXX.testGroup
  Line:   138
  Failed: assertTrue
    Expected: [1]
    Actual:   [[0], identityHash="-7002433"]

[failure] [20190216 09:14:18.626360]
  svn:    r11562   Change date: 2018-12-03 23:45:29 +0100
  Class:  rexxc.testGroup
  File: /export/home/agrellum/test/ooRexx/utilities/rexxc/rexxc.testGroup
  Line:   100
  Failed: assertTrue
    Expected: [1]
    Actual:   [[0], identityHash="-7002433"]
    Message:  rexxc test_rexxc.rex is expected to produce a few lines of output

[failure] [20190216 09:14:18.791390]
  svn:    r11562   Change date: 2018-12-03 23:45:29 +0100
  Class:  rexxc.testGroup
  File: /export/home/agrellum/test/ooRexx/utilities/rexxc/rexxc.testGroup
  Line:   91
  Failed: assertTrue
    Expected: [1]
    Actual:   [[0], identityHash="-7002433"]
    Message:  rexxc is expected to produce a few lines of output

[failure] [20190216 09:14:18.862895]
  svn:    r11562   Change date: 2018-12-03 23:45:29 +0100
  Class:  rexxc.testGroup
  File: /export/home/agrellum/test/ooRexx/utilities/rexxc/rexxc.testGroup
  Line:   125
  Failed: assertTrue
    Expected: [1]
    Actual:   [[0], identityHash="-7002433"]
    Message:  a few lines of output expected from rexxc 'EMPTY 0'

Interpreter:        REXX-ooRexx_5.0.0(MT)_64-bit 6.05 16 Feb 2019
OS Name:            SUNOS
SysVersion:         SunOS 5.11

Tests ran:          22621
Assertions:         377342
Failures:           4
Errors:             0

File search:        00:00:03.905679
Suite construction: 00:00:02.036984
Test execution:     00:03:38.003954
Total time:         00:03:44.495100

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