Re: HTML - I have not attempted to build anything but PDFs at this point. I'm guessing that the transform step can produce HTML directly if given a different stylesheet but have not attempted that. The principal proponent for having an HTML version was our late Secretary/Treasurer Les Koehler as he preferred using them due to his eyesight issues. The other place they are referenced is from the RexxLA website. My vote would be to only build them for the formal release of ooRexx and not for intermediate development builds.


On 1/31/2020 4:09 PM, P.O. Jonsson wrote:
Dear Gil,

many thanks for your feedback, I read your thread and I think you gave me just the hint I needed to inject Erichs cleaning script in to my build toolchain (it works slightly different to Erichs setup). I will let you know if it worked.

When I compare what you write with the process I see using Publican the differences are not very big, except you use more up-to-date tools, I use Publican 3.0 and fop 1.1 and something called LIBXSLT, an extension written in Python (in 2008!) to replace XSLTPROC that you have chosen, so I have good hope that your toolchain will produce very similar results to what we are used to.

What about the html - are they needed at all? They do not render very well in comparison to the PDFs and the output looks different on different browsers (surprise), but the main deficiency I see is that some diagrams overwrite text, they are simply to large in comparison. Skipping the html would cut the rendering time with approx 40%.

The Windows 10 platform is there and it is just rolling its thumbs between Windows build, I would say 23 hours out of 24 it is idling.

P.O. Jonsson <>

Am 31.01.2020 um 20:04 schrieb Gil Barmwater < <>>:

Hi P.O.,

Just wanted to comment on some of the points you raised. First of all, you are right - the "oorexx" directory is NOT a real document but just a repository for the Common_Content in the other documents.

As I noted in the other thread, I have not run my process on anything other than the readme article and the rxmath book so other than those, I have nothing to provide. If you mean the changed source, not the PDF output, the only changes were to the Common_Content files which Erich has already committed to trunk. If you have done an SVN update before running your process, you have used my modified files.

As per the files you had to change, the ooconsole book is just a skeleton for a project started by Mark Miesfeld before he passed away so I would not worry about it. Perhaps some day someone will resume working on that project and they can deal with the documentation issues then. The other three books look like they are trying to pick up something from an SVN checkout - working copy - of more than just the documents part of the tree. I'll leave it to the other developers to decide if that is a valid thing to do.

From my examination of Erich's program, it appears he expects it to run from the directory containing the .fo file(s) and it rewrites that file it place after removing the extra blank lines. It searches for and modifies the first/only .fo file it finds.

Thanks for providing a platform that will reliably build our documentation while we get the new process up and running!

Gil B.

On 1/29/2020 11:20 AM, P.O. Jonsson wrote:
Dear all,

I am starting a new thread so as not to pollute Gil??s thread. This is just until we have a permanent solution.

I now have a working installation on Windows 7 that can reliably build the documentation, both as pdf and html. All-in-all I have 16 books, the only ones that fail are ???BuildMachine??? that it seems no-one worked on since 2012 and ???oorexx??? that contains the Common_Content used by by all other books (not a book in itself?).

From optical inspection I can not find any major differences with the document on Sourceforge. I intend to use also Gil's ???modded??? versions and see if this results in a different output. @Gil, can you make them available from revision 11973?

I had to make a few changes to some of the documents, I have documented the changes in a diff file (attached).

I also had to raise the limit for Java Heap space for ooDialog to build (2080 pages!). I have set 2048kb, possibly 1024 will be sufficient, it stalled on 2048 pages with 980kb.

I have not ??used Erichs pre-cleaning Rexx script until now, information on how to use it (and on what files) is welcome.

The bad news is that the build of some of the documents takes a LOT of time, rexxref 30 minutes and oodialog 40 minutes building pdf and html on a very powerful machine (14,8 Megaclauses).

The good news is that the build of all documents can be made in parallel! I can launch 16 builds at the same time and most documents finish in 3-15 minutes. So there is hope for putting this on the Jenkins Win slave, let me know if I should give it a try. Even with 16 docs building in parallel the CPU is moderately used and I have 5 GB free memory (out of 8 GB).

I have put the built documents in my dropbox, as well as the complete thread (threads actually) between Erich and Rick 2018-2019, reading it anyone should be able to retrace their steps and make a build on W7 or W10. I added some other documents as well.

P.O. Jonsson <>

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