Hi Mark,

The main problem with the „switch“ thing for Linux was that it forced the 
manual editing of another (or even more than one?) file, i.e. the build was not 
entirely driven by CMakeLists.txt. For maintenance this can quickly become 
unbearable. This is also why I broke the linux installers without even knowing 
about it just adding a missing sample to CMakeLists.txt (corrected now).

For educational purposes (I am a Linux noob) I have local VM builds for CentOS, 
Debian, Fedora, Linux Mint, Ubuntu and OpenSuse and not ONE of them have the 
same configuration; there are minor differences in what compiler, linker, 
CMake, Make etc to use on each and every one of them, so adding additional 
complexity (like a switch) does not make life easier. One one system the packet 
name is oorexx, on another ooRexx (on a case sensitive OS) and on yet another 
it is called RexxTry?  Sometimes the description is there , sometimes it is 
not, sometime the license is there, sometime it is not (License=Proprietary?), 
sometimes the uninstall finds conflicting options, sometimes the installer 
„mangles“ our Shebangs and so on. The list is long and it is necessary to clean 
up the act and try to sort these things out. Removing the switch was a good 
start since it decouples the manual editing of ooRexx.spec.in 
<http://oorexx.spec.in/>. If someone is able to configure a better version of 
it (that does not foresee parallel editing of multiple config files) maybe it 
can be brought in but IMO a relocatable installation is the best way to handle 
multiple installations.

P.O. Jonsson

> Am 07.04.2020 um 01:05 schrieb Mark Hessling <m...@rexx.org>:
> Hi P.O.,
> I apologise for problems my changes caused you; it was not intentional and if 
> I had known about your problems at the time I would have fixed them.
> My perspective with the changes is from outside; ie maintainer of Regina, 
> where I wanted to have ooRexx and Regina to be able to be installed on the 
> same machine at the same time.  The "standard" way for this is using 
> update-alternatives and that is how Linux users expect to switch between 
> different packages that provide the same functionality. 
> See "man update-alternatives" on your Linux machine; particularly Debian 
> based systems.
> I, like most Linux users outside of the ooRexx development team don't know 
> about ooRexx's relocatable installation package. Sounds like a good idea.  
> Looks like we have both learnt something.
> Cheers, Mark
> On 7/4/20 7:47 am, René Jansen wrote:
>> I am also in favour of the new, relocatable installs, I have ooRexx, Regina 
>> and brexx on most of my machines, and it is great if they don’t byte each 
>> other.
>> Also, running Java in various versions is just a path switch; I don’t want 
>> to go back to the years before that when each OS had their own ’sacred 
>> places’ to put that it.
>> René.
>>> On 6 Apr 2020, at 23:23, P.O. Jonsson <oor...@jonases.se 
>>> <mailto:oor...@jonases.se>> wrote:
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> It was not me that asked for this change, I was in the middle of an 
>>> entirely different change for the samples when this change intercepted my 
>>> changes. And I did not say we should ignore it, I say the better solution 
>>> is to have a relocatable installation package like macOS (which is a *nix 
>>> btw).
>>> I can have 10 different versions of ooRexx installed in parallel and the 
>>> only thing to do to „switch“ is to change the path to point to the one I 
>>> use. I have had ooRexx installed in ~/Applications and in /Applications at 
>>> the same time and none of them disturbs the other. From the package I build 
>>> for ooRexx it is possible to „install“ oorexx anywhere with a simple 
>>> drag&drop. uninstalling is as easy as dragging to the bin.
>>> I for myself have suffered a lot from this thing earlier on when trying out 
>>> ooRexx on different Linux platforms. Using make - make install I ended up 
>>> not with rexx but rexx-oorexx as an executable. renaming it manually (is 
>>> there a documentation of the switch? how on earth can one know about it?) I 
>>> ended up with a broken installation since I was unaware which other items 
>>> had been switched. Trying to run the testsuite then aborted halfway throug. 
>>> In the end I had to manually remove all traces of the installation by hand 
>>> following the manifest file. Since then I learned how to use a rpm or deb 
>>> package.
>>> Can you point me to a place where I can read about update-alternatives? I 
>>> had never heard about it before I stumbled on it here. And I have never 
>>> been confronted with it in the 6 Linuxes I am using for testing.
>>> Hälsningar/Regards/Grüsse,
>>> P.O. Jonsson
>>> oor...@jonases.se <mailto:oor...@jonases.se>
>>>> Am 06.04.2020 um 22:29 schrieb Mark Hessling <m...@rexx.org 
>>>> <mailto:m...@rexx.org>>:
>>>> I'm not sure I'd agree that the optimal solution would be to ignore 
>>>> update-alternatives. update-alternatives is the correct way to have more 
>>>> than 1 package that provides the same functionality on Linux.  
>>>> As René indicated installations worked fine with update-alternatives, and 
>>>> had been working fine. The only problem I had with the package build was 
>>>> its name, and that was due to CMake issues, where on 1 version of CMake 
>>>> the package built ok but with the wrong name and the newer version of 
>>>> CMake didn't even make the package. The problem is CMake (or how to use it 
>>>> properly), not with update-alternatives.
>>>> Cheers, Mark
>>>> On 7/4/20 1:14 am, P.O. Jonsson wrote:
>>>>> Hi René and thanks for the info.
>>>>> I had missed the fact that one needed to manually synch CMakelists.txt 
>>>>> with oorexx.spec.in <http://oorexx.spec.in/> (I did not even realize 
>>>>> there was a link) and broke the installer for CentOS when adding some 
>>>>> samples missing CMakeLists.txt. Enrico explained the connection and I 
>>>>> could correct it. I was in the middle of checking/sorting these two files 
>>>>> for the remaining missing/superfluous files in /samples when Erichs 
>>>>> change came in. I                               will go ahead and make 
>>>>> the necessary changes later this week, I did not have time to submit it.
>>>>> Regarding the „switch“ I think it is a sub-optimal solution to a problem 
>>>>> of a few causing problems for the many. The optimal solution would be a 
>>>>> relocatable ooRexx installation, as we have it now for macOS.
>>>>> Regarding checking Jenkins an automated mail service would be beneficial.
>>>>> Hälsningar/Regards/Grüsse,
>>>>> P.O. Jonsson
>>>>> oor...@jonases.se <mailto:oor...@jonases.se>
>>>>>> Am 06.04.2020 um 16:56 schrieb René Jansen <rvjan...@xs4all.nl 
>>>>>> <mailto:rvjan...@xs4all.nl>>:
>>>>>> Just last week I generated a .deb for AARCH64 for someone, and it all 
>>>>>> ran fine - checked it first on a Raspi with Ubuntu on it. It is true 
>>>>>> that Erich conferred with me about rolling it back; the check in was 
>>>>>> done in haste when Mark was busy with firefighting (literally! 
>>>>>> Australia). Its intention was to have update-alternatives working 
>>>>>> correctly for ooRexx. It should go back in when someone gets it to work.
>>>>>> I would politely ask everyone to check Jenkins when a change is made. 
>>>>>> This goes for myself too. P.O. is doing very good work with that. I 
>>>>>> wonder if we need to coordinate more on that, so we can at least check 
>>>>>> our own platforms when significant change is made.
>>>>>> René.
>>>>>>> On 6 Apr 2020, at 16:47, P.O. Jonsson <oor...@jonases.se 
>>>>>>> <mailto:oor...@jonases.se>> wrote:
>>>>>>> OK thanks for the info. 
>>>>>>> Does this mean that the „switch“ stuff (rexx-oorexx) is gone?
>>>>>>> Does this also mean that oorexx.spec.in <http://oorexx.spec.in/> is now 
>>>>>>> generated by CMake (or Cpack)?
>>>>>>> Are there other files that are affected?
>>>>>>> Unfortunately there seems to be other problems with the installer on 
>>>>>>> the Unix platform, see my other mail. Not sure if this was the reason?
>>>>>>> Hälsningar/Regards/Grüsse,
>>>>>>> P.O. Jonsson
>>>>>>> oor...@jonases.se <mailto:oor...@jonases.se>
>>>>>>>> Am 06.04.2020 um 16:35 schrieb Erich Steinböck 
>>>>>>>> <erich.steinbo...@gmail.com <mailto:erich.steinbo...@gmail.com>>:
>>>>>>>> Hi P.O.
>>>>>>>> this removes the CMake changes by Mark Hessling which were committed 
>>>>>>>> by René.
>>>>>>>> They had been causing a bunch of issues, where the code duplication 
>>>>>>>> you've seen with oorexx.spec.in <http://oorexx.spec.in/> is one of 
>>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>>>> René confirmed that the best option was to roll them back.
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>>>> -- 
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> * Mark Hessling, m...@rexx.org <mailto:m...@rexx.org> http://www.rexx.org/ 
>>>> <http://www.rexx.org/>
>>>> * Author of THE, a Free XEDIT/KEDIT editor and, Rexx/SQL, Rexx/CURL, etc.
>>>> * Maintainer of Regina Rexx interpreter
>>>> * Use Rexx? join the Rexx Language Association: http://www.rexxla.org/ 
>>>> <http://www.rexxla.org/> 
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>>> Oorexx-devel mailing list
>>>> Oorexx-devel@lists.sourceforge.net 
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>>>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/oorexx-devel 
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>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/oorexx-devel 
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> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * Mark Hessling, m...@rexx.org <mailto:m...@rexx.org> http://www.rexx.org/ 
> <http://www.rexx.org/>
> * Author of THE, a Free XEDIT/KEDIT editor and, Rexx/SQL, Rexx/CURL, etc.
> * Maintainer of Regina Rexx interpreter
> * Use Rexx? join the Rexx Language Association: http://www.rexxla.org/ 
> <http://www.rexxla.org/> 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Oorexx-devel mailing list
> Oorexx-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/oorexx-devel

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