who has Windows and can confirm? These are mostly false positives, but - Erich 
and P.O. - is there any possibility to run the viruscheckers on this file 
before we upload to SourceForge, and skip the uploads if we have a (false) 
positive? This is a reputation issue and I tend to take those very seriously.

Also, we need a release, seriously. I get email about this, and there better be 
one before ooRexx slips into oblivion. With these annoying Windows-virus things 
we would have been better positioned if we already had a non-virus-flagged, 
released version. There was a lot of work done on documentation, and it is up 
to us to decide what the showstoppers are now.

From where I stand, which is in Enterprise IT, it is much more important to get 
the release into the Linux repositories than any download. I would like to 
start a taskforce for that, I think we have the contacts. Please volunteeer.

P.O., it is possible to have a setup with various virus-checkers to run on 
Jenkins so we can get clarity on what the cause is (‘heuristics’) and how to 
squelch it? You will be reimbursed if any cost is incurred.


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Doug L" <doug...@users.sourceforge.net>
> Subject: [oorexx:bugs] #1713 Virus in future (beta) version
> Date: 1 July 2020 at 19:58:42 CEST
> To: "Ticket #1713: Virus in future (beta) version" 
> <1...@bugs.oorexx.p.re.sourceforge.net>
> Reply-To: "Ticket #1713: Virus in future (beta) version" 
> <1...@bugs.oorexx.p.re.sourceforge.net>
> [bugs:#1713] <https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/bugs/1713/> Virus in future 
> (beta) version
> Status: open
> Group: Next_Release
> Created: Wed Jul 01, 2020 05:58 PM UTC by Doug L
> Last Updated: Wed Jul 01, 2020 05:58 PM UTC
> Owner: nobody
> When I download 
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/oorexx/files/oorexx/5.0.0beta/ooRexx-5.0.0-12096.windows.x86_32.exe/download
> <https://sourceforge.net/projects/oorexx/files/oorexx/5.0.0beta/ooRexx-5.0.0-12096.windows.x86_32.exe/download>
>  my Microsoft virus scanner says it has a virus (like earlier, recent 
> versions). I actually had a problem with the 12080 version before it was 
> flagged on SourceForge.
> Sent from sourceforge.net because you indicated interest in 
> https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/bugs/1713/ 
> <https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/bugs/1713/>
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