
I agree that staying away from sharp objects is good, and the discussion is 
mostly academic.

But here some other arguments to consider:
1) this can be distilled down to when it is necessary to evaluate an 
expression. If the expression is a number, one might argue it has been 
evaluated already, and does not need further evaluation under the numeric 
digits constraints. When it is not a number, it should be evaluated like any 
other expression.

2) it appears - I have been told - that CRX (of which I do not have a running 
version), does evaluate the numeric argument under the current settings and 
comes up (for 18) with 2E+1, so 2. While just as astonishing (well, maybe a bit 
more), this is even more PLE than ooRexx.

With this, I will now be silent on this subject until the next ARB meeting.


> On 10 Nov 2020, at 00:34, Chip Davis <> wrote:
> We must be careful we don't cut ourselves on such a sharp edge-case.  The 
> salient arguments boil down to:
>  - The Principle of Least Astonishment argues for modifying ooRexx to match 
> the behavior of other Rexx'es.
>  - The Policy of Least Exceptions argues that ooRexx has the right rule.
> The purist in me contends that the ooRexx behavior is the correct one, and we 
> should simply update the errortext: "DIGITS value must be a positive whole 
> number expressible under the current setting of "NUMERIC DIGITS nn"; found 
> "dd".  We could do that for ooRexx and NetRexx, but the likelihood of any IBM 
> Rexx processor following suit, is nil.
> There is a valid argument for making ooRexx consistent with all the other 
> Rexx'es out there, especially the huge installed base of IBM Rexx code.  One 
> might hope that the number of ooRexx programs affected by this change could 
> be expressed in Numeric Digits 2, but who knows where (or how critical) that 
> code may be.  This will also require documenting (and test-casing) this 
> exception to the current behavior.  But it won't be the only place that the 
> design of Rexx has bent an ideal consistency to the reality of dealing with 
> humans.
> As big a fan of consistency as I am, I'm afraid I come down on the more 
> pragmatic PLA side of this issue, especially given the expected amount of 
> code affected.
> -Chip-
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