Ok, I've gotten past the compile time errors, thanks Rick and Erich.

Now I have a mod_rexx.so for Linux, but when I start httpd I get an error message that RexxVariablePool is undefined.  When I examine the .so file with the 'nm' command, I see many lines like this, including one for RexxVariablePool:

                 U RexxAllocateMemory
                 U RexxFreeMemory
                 U RexxRegisterExitExe
                 U RexxRegisterFunctionExe
                 U RexxStart
                 U RexxVariablePool

I specify -l rexx (for librexx.so) and -l rexxapi (for librexxapi.so) and -L/usr/local/lib (which is where they're located), but apparently neither file has these symbols. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


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