As suggested by Rick in the past here as a first step a draft for adding documentation to the ooRexx reference such that it becomes possible to communicate about the multithreaded trace prefix and its meaning.

Starting out with the current documentation the nomenclatura is kept the same, possibly with additional information meant for the debugging section in rexxref.pdf.

--- draft begin ---

   15.4 Debugging Multithreaded Programs

   ooRexx allows for executing different parts of ooRexx programs on multiple 
threads of execution
   using different Rexx interpreter within a single operating system process.

   This makes it difficult and at times even impossible to debug such 
multithreaded programs
   without any additional information about the specific execution context.  
Relevant information
   for debugging multithreaded programs may be: the Rexx interpreter instance 
that executes an
   invocation ("activation") running on which operating system thread and 
whether a lock is held
   for exclusive access of an object's attribute ("object variable") pool.

   To ease debugging of multithreaded programs the execution context can be 
indicated with a
   "multithreaded trace prefix" ("mtPrefix") string in the following form "[R1  
 T1   I5   G V1  
   L2   *]", where

     * "R1": "R" stands for Rexx interpreter instance and the number (a 
counter) indicates which of
       the instances executes the current invocation (activation).

     * "T1": "T" stands for (operating system) thread and the number (a 
counter) indicates on which
       of the currently existing threads the activity gets executed

     * "I5": "I" stands for invocation (activation) and the number (a counter) 
indicates which
       invocation gets executed on that thread (activity)

   Information in the mtPrefix if currently tracing statements of method 
routines (otherwise the
   remainder of the prefix will be blank):

     * "G" or "U": this character indicates whether the method routine is 
defined to be guarded or

     * "V1" : "V" stands for "object variable dictionary" (attribute 
dictionary) and the number (a
       counter) indicates which object variable dictionary gets used in this 
invocation of the
       method routine. Each object will have its own object variable dictionary 
which can be
       directly accessed by method routines of the same scope, i.e. method 
routines that are
       defined in the same class from which the object got created. Therefore 
the V indicator will
       refer to the same object if the number is the same.

     * "L2": "L" stands for object lock count and the number (a counter) 
indicates how many object
       lock reservations have taken place at that point in time. Whenever 
another method routine of
       the same scope gets invoked the object lock count increases by one, upon 
return the object
       lock count decreases by one.

     * "*" or " ": the asterisk indicates that the activity holds the object 
lock. Guarded methods
       are blocked, if they do not hold the object lock. Methods in the 
unguarded state will never


     * the GUARD keyword instruction can be used within a method routine to  
change the state from
       guarded (synchronize on the object lock) to unguarded (ignore the object 
lock) using
       unconditionally the keyword   statement GUARD OFF and vice versa (using 
unconditionally the
       keyword statement GUARD ON),

     * the keyword instructions "GUARD ON someAttribute=someValue" and "GUARD 
       someAttribute=someValue" allow changing the state of the method routine 
to guarded or to
       unguarded depending on the value of an exposed attribute "someAttribute" 
which needs to get
       changed in another concurrently running method routine of the same 
(class) scope. Such
       attributes are known to be used as "control variables" to synchronize 
activities on
       different threads,

     * if you wish to directly change the value of any exposed attribute then 
make sure that the
       changes take place in the guarded state to inhibit concurrent updates 
from other threads to
       inhibit inconsistent states,

     * the object variable dictionary number represents a specific object,

     * methods in the guarded state that do not possess the trailing asterisk 
are blocked, they are
       waiting for the object lock,

     * methods in the unguarded state get never blocked,

     * the standard layout of the mtPrefix is intentionally designed to make 
parsing easy such that
       analyzing the trace 3output of complex multithreaded ooRexx programs 
becomes easy.

--- draft end ---

Here an informal (NOT part of the documentation for that a much simpler example would have to be used) mtPrefix trace.

The program (ugly, but meant for demonstration, therefore the method name in the line comments in each statement, allows for checking out what happens where):

   thisName="(".context~name")" -- package say "before creating instance of 
.oha" thisName --
   package o=.oha~new -- package say "o="o thisName -- package o~m_22 -- 
package o~m_0 -- package
   -- o~m_1 -- package o~m_22 -- package o~m_333 -- package exit -- package 
::class oha ::method
   init thisName="(".context~name")" -- INIT GUARDED say '*** hello from (m_1)' 
thisName -- INIT
   (before returning) ::method m_0 thisName="(".context~name")" -- m_0 GUARDED 
say '*** before
   self~m_0' thisName -- m_0 self~m_1 -- m_0 say '*** after self~m_0' thisName 
-- m_0 (before
   returning) ::method m_1 thisName="(".context~name")" -- m_1 GUARDED say '*** 
hello from (m_1)'
   thisName -- m_1 reply -- m_1: remainder runs on new thread -- m_1 say 
'before guard off (m_1)'
   thisName -- m_1 guard off -- m_1 say 'after guard off (m_1)' thisName -- m_1 
   10)/1000 -- m_1 say 'before sleeping (m_1)' sleepTime "seconds" thisName -- 
m_1 call sysSleep
   sleepTime -- m_1 say 'after sleeping (m_1)' sleepTime "seconds is OVER" 
thisName -- m_1 say
   'before guard on (m_1)' thisName -- m_1 guard on -- m_1 say 'after guard on 
(m_1)' thisName --
   m_1 (before returning) ::method m_22 *unguarded* 
thisName="(".context~name")" -- m_22 UNGUARDED
   say '*** hello from (m_22)' thisName -- m_22 reply -- m_22: remainder runs 
on new thread -- m_22
   say 'before guard on (m_22)' thisName -- m_22 guard on -- m_22 say 'after 
guard on (m_22)'
   thisName -- m_22 sleepTime=random(1, 10)/1000 -- m_22 say 'before sleeping 
(m_22)' sleepTime
   "seconds" thisName -- m_22 call sysSleep sleepTime -- m_22 say 'after 
sleeping (m_22)' sleepTime
   "seconds is OVER" thisName -- m_22 say 'before guard off (m_22)' thisName -- 
m_22 guard off --
   m_22 say 'after guard off (m_22)' thisName -- m_22 (before returning) 
::method m_333
   thisName="(".context~name")" -- m_333 GUARDED say '*** hello from (m_333)' 
thisName -- m_333
   reply -- m_333: remainder runs on new thread say 'before guard off (m_333)' 
thisName -- m_333
   guard off -- m_333 say 'after guard off (m_333)' thisName -- m_333 
sleepTime=random(1, 10)/1000
   -- m_333 say 'before sleeping (m_333)' sleepTime "seconds" thisName -- m_333 
call sysSleep
   sleepTime -- m_333 say 'after sleeping (m_333)' sleepTime "seconds is OVER" 
thisName -- m_333
   say 'before guard on (m_333)' thisName -- m_333 guard on -- m_333 say 'after 
guard on (m_333)'
   thisName -- m_333 (before returning) ::options trace r

Here running the above program with mtPrefix on:

   [R1 T1 I1 ] 1 *-* thisName="(".context~name")" -- package [R1 T1 I1 ] >>>
   "(G:\test\orx\trace\20240120\conc.rex)" [R1 T1 I1 ] 2 *-* say "before creating 
instance of .oha"
   thisName -- package [R1 T1 I1 ] >>> "before creating instance of .oha
   (G:\test\orx\trace\20240120\conc.rex)" before creating instance of .oha
   (G:\test\orx\trace\20240120\conc.rex) [R1 T1 I1 ] 3 *-* o=.oha~new -- 
package [R1 T1 I2 G V1 L0
   ] >I> Method "INIT" with scope "OHA" in package 
"G:\test\orx\trace\20240120\conc.rex". [R1 T1 I2
   G V1 L1 *] 14 *-* thisName="(".context~name")" -- INIT GUARDED [R1 T1 I2 G V1 L1 *] 
>>> "(INIT)"
   [R1 T1 I2 G V1 L1 *] 15 *-* say '*** hello from (m_1)' thisName -- INIT 
(before returning) [R1
   T1 I2 G V1 L1 *] >>> "*** hello from (m_1) (INIT)" *** hello from (m_1) (INIT) [R1 T1 
I1 ] >>>
   "an OHA" [R1 T1 I1 ] 4 *-* say "o="o thisName -- package [R1 T1 I1 ] >>> 
"o=an OHA
   (G:\test\orx\trace\20240120\conc.rex)" o=an OHA 
(G:\test\orx\trace\20240120\conc.rex) [R1 T1 I1
   ] 5 *-* o~m_22 -- package [R1 T1 I3 U V1 L0 ] >I> Method "M_22" with scope 
"OHA" in package
   "G:\test\orx\trace\20240120\conc.rex". [R1 T1 I3 U V1 L0 ] 39 *-* 
   -- m_22 UNGUARDED [R1 T1 I3 U V1 L0 ] >>> "(M_22)" [R1 T1 I3 U V1 L0 ] 40 
*-* say '*** hello
   from (m_22)' thisName -- m_22 [R1 T1 I3 U V1 L0 ] >>> "*** hello from (m_22) 
(M_22)" *** hello
   from (m_22) (M_22) [R1 T1 I3 U V1 L0 ] 41 *-* reply -- m_22: remainder runs 
on new thread --
   m_22 [R1 T1 I1 ] 6 *-* o~m_0 -- package [R1 T1 I4 G V1 L0 ] >I> Method "M_0" with 
scope "OHA" in
   package "G:\test\orx\trace\20240120\conc.rex". [R1 T1 I4 G V1 L1 *] 18 *-*
   thisName="(".context~name")" -- m_0 GUARDED [R1 T2 I3 U V1 L1 ] >I> Method 
"M_22" with scope
   "OHA" in package "G:\test\orx\trace\20240120\conc.rex". [R1 T1 I4 G V1 L1 *] >>> 
"(M_0)" [R1 T2
   I3 U V1 L1 ] 42 *-* say 'before guard on (m_22)' thisName -- m_22 [R1 T1 I4 
G V1 L1 *] 19 *-*
   say '*** before self~m_0' thisName -- m_0 [R1 T2 I3 U V1 L1 ] >>> "before 
guard on (m_22)
   (M_22)" before guard on (m_22) (M_22) [R1 T1 I4 G V1 L1 *] >>> "*** before 
self~m_0 (M_0)" ***
   before self~m_0 (M_0) [R1 T2 I3 U V1 L1 ] 43 *-* guard on -- m_22 [R1 T1 I4 
G V1 L1 *] 20 *-*
   self~m_1 -- m_0 [R1 T1 I5 G V1 L1 ] >I> Method "M_1" with scope "OHA" in 
   "G:\test\orx\trace\20240120\conc.rex". [R1 T1 I5 G V1 L2 *] 24 *-* 
   -- m_1 GUARDED [R1 T1 I5 G V1 L2 *] >>> "(M_1)" [R1 T1 I5 G V1 L2 *] 25 *-* 
say '*** hello from
   (m_1)' thisName -- m_1 [R1 T1 I5 G V1 L2 *] >>> "*** hello from (m_1) (M_1)" 
*** hello from
   (m_1) (M_1) [R1 T1 I5 G V1 L2 *] 26 *-* reply -- m_1: remainder runs on new 
thread -- m_1 [R1 T1
   I4 G V1 L1 *] 21 *-* say '*** after self~m_0' thisName -- m_0 (before 
returning) [R1 T1 I4 G V1
   L1 *] >>> "*** after self~m_0 (M_0)" *** after self~m_0 (M_0) [R1 T1 I1 ] 8 
*-* o~m_22 --
   package [R1 T1 I6 U V1 L1 ] >I> Method "M_22" with scope "OHA" in package
   "G:\test\orx\trace\20240120\conc.rex". [R1 T2 I3 U V1 L1 *] 44 *-* say 
'after guard on (m_22)'
   thisName -- m_22 [R1 T1 I6 U V1 L1 ] 39 *-* thisName="(".context~name")" -- 
   T2 I3 U V1 L1 *] >>> "after guard on (m_22) (M_22)" after guard on (m_22) 
(M_22) [R1 T1 I6 U V1
   L1 ] >>> "(M_22)" [R1 T2 I3 U V1 L1 *] 45 *-* sleepTime=random(1, 10)/1000 
-- m_22 [R1 T1 I6 U
   V1 L1 ] 40 *-* say '*** hello from (m_22)' thisName -- m_22 [R1 T2 I3 U V1 L1 *] >>> 
"0.002" [R1
   T1 I6 U V1 L1 ] >>> "*** hello from (m_22) (M_22)" *** hello from (m_22) 
(M_22) [R1 T2 I3 U V1
   L1 *] 46 *-* say 'before sleeping (m_22)' sleepTime "seconds" thisName -- 
m_22 [R1 T1 I6 U V1 L1
   ] 41 *-* reply -- m_22: remainder runs on new thread -- m_22 [R1 T2 I3 U V1 L1 *] 
>>> "before
   sleeping (m_22) 0.002 seconds (M_22)" before sleeping (m_22) 0.002 seconds 
(M_22) [R1 T1 I1 ] 9
   *-* o~m_333 -- package [R1 T2 I3 U V1 L1 *] 47 *-* call sysSleep sleepTime 
-- m_22 [R1 T3 I6 U
   V1 L1 ] >I> Method "M_22" with scope "OHA" in package 
"G:\test\orx\trace\20240120\conc.rex". [R1
   T1 I7 G V1 L1 ] >I> Method "M_333" with scope "OHA" in package
   "G:\test\orx\trace\20240120\conc.rex". [R1 T3 I6 U V1 L1 ] 42 *-* say 
'before guard on (m_22)'
   thisName -- m_22 [R1 T3 I6 U V1 L1 ] >>> "before guard on (m_22) (M_22)" 
before guard on (m_22)
   (M_22) [R1 T3 I6 U V1 L1 ] 43 *-* guard on -- m_22 [R1 T2 I3 U V1 L1 *] >>> 
"0" [R1 T2 I3 U V1
   L1 *] 48 *-* say 'after sleeping (m_22)' sleepTime "seconds is OVER" 
thisName -- m_22 [R1 T2 I3
   U V1 L1 *] >>> "after sleeping (m_22) 0.002 seconds is OVER (M_22)" after 
sleeping (m_22) 0.002
   seconds is OVER (M_22) [R1 T2 I3 U V1 L1 *] 49 *-* say 'before guard off 
(m_22)' thisName --
   m_22 [R1 T2 I3 U V1 L1 *] >>> "before guard off (m_22) (M_22)" before guard 
off (m_22) (M_22)
   [R1 T2 I3 U V1 L1 *] 50 *-* guard off -- m_22 [R1 T2 I3 U V1 L1 ] 51 *-* say 
'after guard off
   (m_22)' thisName -- m_22 (before returning) [R1 T4 I5 G V1 L1 *] >I> Method 
"M_1" with scope
   "OHA" in package "G:\test\orx\trace\20240120\conc.rex". [R1 T2 I3 U V1 L1 ] >>> 
"after guard off
   (m_22) (M_22)" after guard off (m_22) (M_22) [R1 T4 I5 G V1 L1 *] 27 *-* say 
'before guard off
   (m_1)' thisName -- m_1 [R1 T4 I5 G V1 L1 *] >>> "before guard off (m_1) 
(M_1)" before guard off
   (m_1) (M_1) [R1 T4 I5 G V1 L1 *] 28 *-* guard off -- m_1 [R1 T4 I5 G V1 L1 ] 
29 *-* say 'after
   guard off (m_1)' thisName -- m_1 [R1 T4 I5 G V1 L1 ] >>> "after guard off (m_1) 
(M_1)" after
   guard off (m_1) (M_1) [R1 T4 I5 G V1 L1 ] 30 *-* sleepTime=random(1, 
10)/1000 -- m_1 [R1 T4 I5 G
   V1 L1 ] >>> "0.01" [R1 T4 I5 G V1 L1 ] 31 *-* say 'before sleeping (m_1)' sleepTime 
   thisName -- m_1 [R1 T4 I5 G V1 L1 ] >>> "before sleeping (m_1) 0.01 seconds 
(M_1)" before
   sleeping (m_1) 0.01 seconds (M_1) [R1 T4 I5 G V1 L1 ] 32 *-* call sysSleep 
sleepTime -- m_1 [R1
   T1 I7 G V1 L1 *] 55 *-* thisName="(".context~name")" -- m_333 GUARDED [R1 T1 I7 G V1 
L1 *] >>>
   "(M_333)" [R1 T1 I7 G V1 L1 *] 56 *-* say '*** hello from (m_333)' thisName 
-- m_333 [R1 T1 I7 G
   V1 L1 *] >>> "*** hello from (m_333) (M_333)" *** hello from (m_333) (M_333) 
[R1 T1 I7 G V1 L1
   *] 57 *-* reply -- m_333: remainder runs on new thread [R1 T1 I1 ] 10 *-* 
exit -- package [R1 T2
   I7 G V1 L1 *] >I> Method "M_333" with scope "OHA" in package
   "G:\test\orx\trace\20240120\conc.rex". [R1 T2 I7 G V1 L1 *] 58 *-* say 
'before guard off
   (m_333)' thisName -- m_333 [R1 T2 I7 G V1 L1 *] >>> "before guard off (m_333) 
(M_333)" before
   guard off (m_333) (M_333) [R1 T2 I7 G V1 L1 *] 59 *-* guard off -- m_333 [R1 
T2 I7 G V1 L1 ] 60
   *-* say 'after guard off (m_333)' thisName -- m_333 [R1 T3 I6 U V1 L1 *] 44 
*-* say 'after guard
   on (m_22)' thisName -- m_22 [R1 T2 I7 G V1 L1 ] >>> "after guard off (m_333) 
(M_333)" after
   guard off (m_333) (M_333) [R1 T3 I6 U V1 L1 *] >>> "after guard on (m_22) 
(M_22)" after guard on
   (m_22) (M_22) [R1 T2 I7 G V1 L1 ] 61 *-* sleepTime=random(1, 10)/1000 -- 
m_333 [R1 T3 I6 U V1 L1
   *] 45 *-* sleepTime=random(1, 10)/1000 -- m_22 [R1 T2 I7 G V1 L1 ] >>> 
"0.005" [R1 T3 I6 U V1 L1
   *] >>> "0.002" [R1 T2 I7 G V1 L1 ] 62 *-* say 'before sleeping (m_333)' sleepTime 
   thisName -- m_333 [R1 T3 I6 U V1 L1 *] 46 *-* say 'before sleeping (m_22)' sleepTime 
   thisName -- m_22 [R1 T2 I7 G V1 L1 ] >>> "before sleeping (m_333) 0.005 seconds 
(M_333)" before
   sleeping (m_333) 0.005 seconds (M_333) [R1 T3 I6 U V1 L1 *] >>> "before 
sleeping (m_22) 0.002
   seconds (M_22)" before sleeping (m_22) 0.002 seconds (M_22) [R1 T2 I7 G V1 
L1 ] 63 *-* call
   sysSleep sleepTime -- m_333 [R1 T3 I6 U V1 L1 *] 47 *-* call sysSleep 
sleepTime -- m_22 [R1 T3
   I6 U V1 L1 *] >>> "0" [R1 T2 I7 G V1 L1 ] >>> "0" [R1 T4 I5 G V1 L1 ] >>> 
"0" [R1 T3 I6 U V1 L1
   *] 48 *-* say 'after sleeping (m_22)' sleepTime "seconds is OVER" thisName 
-- m_22 [R1 T2 I7 G
   V1 L1 ] 64 *-* say 'after sleeping (m_333)' sleepTime "seconds is OVER" 
thisName -- m_333 [R1 T4
   I5 G V1 L1 ] 33 *-* say 'after sleeping (m_1)' sleepTime "seconds is OVER" 
thisName -- m_1 [R1
   T3 I6 U V1 L1 *] >>> "after sleeping (m_22) 0.002 seconds is OVER (M_22)" 
after sleeping (m_22)
   0.002 seconds is OVER (M_22) [R1 T2 I7 G V1 L1 ] >>> "after sleeping (m_333) 
0.005 seconds is
   OVER (M_333)" after sleeping (m_333) 0.005 seconds is OVER (M_333) [R1 T4 I5 G V1 L1 
] >>>
   "after sleeping (m_1) 0.01 seconds is OVER (M_1)" after sleeping (m_1) 0.01 
seconds is OVER
   (M_1) [R1 T3 I6 U V1 L1 *] 49 *-* say 'before guard off (m_22)' thisName -- 
m_22 [R1 T2 I7 G V1
   L1 ] 65 *-* say 'before guard on (m_333)' thisName -- m_333 [R1 T4 I5 G V1 
L1 ] 34 *-* say
   'before guard on (m_1)' thisName -- m_1 [R1 T3 I6 U V1 L1 *] >>> "before 
guard off (m_22)
   (M_22)" before guard off (m_22) (M_22) [R1 T2 I7 G V1 L1 ] >>> "before guard on 
(m_333) (M_333)"
   before guard on (m_333) (M_333) [R1 T4 I5 G V1 L1 ] >>> "before guard on (m_1) 
(M_1)" before
   guard on (m_1) (M_1) [R1 T3 I6 U V1 L1 *] 50 *-* guard off -- m_22 [R1 T2 I7 
G V1 L1 ] 66 *-*
   guard on -- m_333 [R1 T4 I5 G V1 L1 ] 35 *-* guard on -- m_1 [R1 T3 I6 U V1 
L0 ] 51 *-* say
   'after guard off (m_22)' thisName -- m_22 (before returning) [R1 T2 I7 G V1 
L1 *] 67 *-* say
   'after guard on (m_333)' thisName -- m_333 (before returning) [R1 T3 I6 U V1 L1 ] 
>>> "after
   guard off (m_22) (M_22)" after guard off (m_22) (M_22) [R1 T2 I7 G V1 L1 *] >>> 
"after guard on
   (m_333) (M_333)" after guard on (m_333) (M_333) [R1 T4 I5 G V1 L1 *] 36 *-* 
say 'after guard on
   (m_1)' thisName -- m_1 (before returning) [R1 T4 I5 G V1 L1 *] >>> "after guard 
on (m_1) (M_1)"
   after guard on (m_1) (M_1)

What follows next is a proposal on how to activate the mtPrefix and how to allow Rexx programmers to create their own mtPrefix.


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