On 12.05.2024 20:17, taf wrote:
Does anyone have documentation / advice / sample on how to convert from the 'old' rexx API set to the 'new' one?

the SAA-interface is totally different to the ooRexx C++ interface such that I do not know of such a documentation other than the ooRexx "rexxapi.pdf" book in the ooRexx documentation folder which you probably know anyway.

There are API samples coming with ooRexx that you are probably aware of, cf. "oorexx/samples/api/classic" and "oorexx/samples/api/c++" and the readme.txt-files there.

The same is probably true for <https://www.rexxla.org/events/schedule.rsp?year=2015> with the links <https://www.rexxla.org/presentations/2015/20150401-native-rgf.pdf> with its source and Makefile in <https://www.rexxla.org/presentations/2015/20150401-native-rgf.zip> (note that on Windows AFAIK the def files like extsimple.def, extfunc.def or extmethod.def are not necessary anymore as ooRexx can locate RexxGetPackage without them). Also "rexxpg.pdf" has been renamed to "rexxapi.pdf" starting with ooRexx 5.0.0.

Not sure whether any of this is new or helps, but once you have a recipe it would be great if you could share it! :)


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