With the latest OpenSRF JSON changes, the OpenSRF Java library is now
"alive".  The code lives in OpenSRF/trunk/src/java.

org/opensrf/*.java -- essential OpenSRF objects
org/opensrf/net/xmpp/*.java -- "slim" Jabber client code
org/opensrf/util/*.java -- generic utility stuff (JSON handling, etc.)


Fetch dependencies and build:
$ make

Create the javadocs:
$ make docs

The makefile has a very basic 'run' target for running test code.  example
(requires a running system):
$ make run 
opensrf.settings opensrf.system.time'

The Java library is almost completely unused, so it's likely to be a little
buggy.  It should get some excercise soon when we begin the
acquisitions/serials plugins.

The only ILS-specific Java code required to talk "intelligently" to
Evergreen is the IDL parsing code in ILS/trunk/Open-ILS/src/java/.

Note that both the OpenSRF and ILS repositories have Java test modules for
demonstating basic API usage.  org/opensrf/test/TestClient.java is a good
place to start.



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