On 9/13/07, Dan Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That screen real estate is precious! If you could make it unobtrusive
> (hide it by default, surfacing it only with a deliberately set user 
> preference,
> or a tiny little "How did you find me?" link), it could be nice.

Yeah, a tooltip or mouseover or placing the info in the record details
page might suffice.  But to further pursue Patrick's question on
search/display dissonance (which I would hope only comes up
infrequently), what else could we do?  I don't think we could get away
with just indexing the displayed data, though I bet the displayed data
is getting more weight in relevance rankings.  Highlighting just
displayed data that happens to contain the search terms seems like it
would get annoying and wouldn't help in the cases where the data isn't
displayed.  Maybe just a help page explaining what gets searched would
work. :)

Thanks Dan, Patrick, Elaine!

-- Jason

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