Mike Rylander wrote:
On 10/25/07, Dan Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Bill:

Apparently you have to run clark-kent.pl (reporter, get it? hah) for
the reports to actually run.

And the easiest way to make that happen is something like

su opensrf -c 'PERL5LIB=/openils/lib/perl5/ /openils/bin/clark-kent.pl -c 4 -d'

as long as opensrf owns the report output directory.  The -c param is
the concurrency (four reports at a time in that command line) and -d
tells it to daemonize itself.  You may want to drop the concurrency to
1 if you're on a 1 or 2 core box.

Your error messages suggest that you have not created subfolders under
"my templates" and friends in which to place your reports, though.

One other thing... The <reporter> config in opensrf.xml has a setting called <output_base>, which defines where the output files are stored on the local machine (mentioned above). This defaults to /openils/var/reporter/output

The reporting interface (in the staff client) expects the output to live at http://<host>/reporter/

In a multi-box environment, with the reporter running on a different machine, a common setup is to NFS mount the output folder on the reporter box from within the web directory:

e.g fstab:

<host>:/openils/var/reporter/output /openils/var/web/reporter nfs ro 0 0

However, if this is a single-box install, changing <output_base> to /openils/var/web/reporter is probably the simplest solution.

Regarding the NOT_FOUND events, those are not necessarily a bad thing. In this case, it may be looking for folders that other users have shared, which probably don't exist yet.


Bill Erickson
| VP, Software Development & Integration
| Equinox Software, Inc. / The Evergreen Experts
| phone: 877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
| web: http://esilibrary.com

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