Where is oils_utils.h supposed to reside?  ...and where or what is
the openils directory?

In ils/trunk/ the only file by named oils_utils.h is in 
Open-ILS/src/c-apps/, where also reside four .c files that #include it.

However the file Open-ILS/src/extras/oils_requestor.c #includes
"openils/oils_utils.h".  I see no directory named "openils" in the
repository trunk.

Elsewhere I see references to other header files in this non-existent
directory: idl_fieldmapper.h, fieldmapper_lookup.h, and oils_event.h.
Of these, two are in the c-apps directory and another is in the
apachemods directory.

What's up with that?  Unless you have some funky links that aren't
reflected in the repository, I don't see how some of these files
can even compile.

Scott McKellar

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