I wanted to share the below information with the list.  The suggested fix did 
work.  Dale was able to run autogen to completion last week.  Unfortunately, we 
still cannot log on with the client, however!  We need to fix that so we can 
load bibs and items.

Frances McNamara
University of Chicago

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Wells [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 10:38 AM
To: Frances Dean McNamara
Subject: Re: FW: Evergreen progress

Hello Frances,

If you are using libdbi-0.8.3 (the latest version), there is a problem with the 
configure scripts that causes the --enable-libdbi to actually DISable linking, 
as linking is now the default behavior.  So, when building the drivers, make 
sure to leave that switch out completely:

./configure --disable-docs --with-pgsql

I have alerted the libdbi developers, and they confirmed the bug, but I don't 
think a fix will be rolled in until the next release.

Let me know if this helps,

>>> Frances Dean McNamara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/12/2008 9:16 AM >>>

I noticed in a recent list posting you said you have moved to Red Hat.  We are 
almost there with getting our installation running but have run into the below 
problem.  As you can see, we're working with Bill Erickson, but I thought it 
was worth asking whether you have seen this problem.  Thanks.

Frances McNamara
University of Chicago

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