2008/7/30 Faiz Ishaq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Dan,
> Thanks for your prompt action. I just finished a quick first attempt. It
> was quite smooth. The only glitch was finding the password for the linux
> user 'postgres'. It is probably there in one of the install files but I
> just changed it from 'root' to get on. There is still some problem with
> the router not being connected to the network. But I have not had a chance
> to double check everything and I could have made a silly mistake
> somewhere. I will come back to this on Saturday.
> Briefly, './autogen.sh -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -u' gives a bunch
> errors. Trying '/openils/bin/srfsh' yields 'Unable to bootstrap client for
> requests'.
> If this obviously points to something then I shall appreciate hearing
> about it. Otherwise I will look further and post again on Saturday. BTW
> the three opensrf processes startup cleanly.
> Cheers, Faiz

Hi Faiz:

You should not have needed a password for the 'postgres' user; the
install instructions at the top tell you that you can become root
using the "sudo su -" command, and then just use the "su - <username>"
command to switch to the next user that you want to become, and then
"exit" when you want to go back to being the root user. Ah well.

As the opensrf user, please run the following command:

perl Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/settings.pl true

and send the debug information tar.gz file that will be created to the
list so we can poke at your configuration and log files.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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