Hello there!

This suggests that the directory in which you are trying to run the install
was created by a different user.  Did you extract the tarball as root, by
any chance?

Anyway, easy fix.  As root, `chown -R opensrf:opensrf
/home/opensrf/OpenSRF-1.0.3`.  Then you should be able to su back to opensrf
and run ./configure again.


On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Raymond Norton <ad...@lctn.org> wrote:

> I had trouble getting Evergreen installed on Ubuntu Intrepid, so I am
> giving it another try on a brand new Intrepid box. I am getting stuck on
> this line (./configure --prefix=/openils --sysconfdir=/openils/conf), but am
> not sure how to get past it. I downloaded, and extracted the file as user
> opensrf. All prereqs installed fine as root.
> (Following these instructions:
> http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=opensrf:1.0.3:install)
> open...@commando-1:~/OpenSRF-1.0.3$ ./configure --prefix=/openils
> --sysconfdir=/openils/conf
> ./configure: 54: cannot create conf14057.sh: Permission denied
> ./configure: 54: cannot create conf14057.sh: Permission denied
> chmod: cannot access `conf14057.sh': No such file or directory
> ./configure: line 45: conf14057.sh: Permission denied
> ./configure: line 46: conf14057.sh: Permission denied
> chmod: cannot access `conf14057.sh': No such file or directory
> mkdir: cannot create directory `conf14057.dir': Permission denied
> ./configure: line 500: conf14057.file: Permission denied
> ./configure: line 1608: config.log: Permission denied
> ./configure: line 1618: config.log: Permission denied

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