The patches fixed the add item problem (at least on the Ubuntu install, we’ll 
try them in the Red Hat later),  Thanks.  I need those items.


[] On Behalf Of Bill 
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 10:22 AM
To: Evergreen Development Discussion List
Subject: Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Cannot Add Items on install

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Frances Dean McNamara 
<<>> wrote:

Because we were getting the below error whenever we tried to Add or Edit items 
on our RH install, Dale did an Ubuntu install on another test box.  We are able 
to get to Vandelay there but are still getting an error trying to Add items.  
Similar to:

[2009-02-18 15:34:11] 
[] Bogus JSON data: 

[2009-02-18 15:34:11] 
[] AppSession sending STATUS to 
with threadTrace [0]

[2009-02-18 15:34:11] 
[] Did not receive AppSession from 
transport handler, returning...


For this error, could you try applying the following patches to the OpenSRF 
Perl JSON code?

Alternatively, you could install the latest OpenSRF 1.0 branch.

We installed, and used the default setups, I logged on as a BR1 workstation, 
using admin user.  It let me manually add a bib, add a volume but when I got 
the Item Attributes and tried to Create the item, it fails.  This leads me to 
believe there is some piece of permissions or other setups that is not in the 
defaults and needs to be done before this can work.  Any clue as to what?

We were getting  a message before the one above about:

[2009-02-18 15:34:09] [] 
Returning non-success event object: ACTOR_USER_NOT_FOUND

And it seemed to be looking for an id=0 before that:

open-ils.cstore 2009-02-18 15:34:09 
[DEBG:6313:oils_cstore.c:2660:1234980139132722] open-ils.cstore returned no 
results for query SELECT  "au".active, "au".alert_message, "au".barred, 
"au".billing_address, "au".card, "au".claims_returned_count, "au".create_date, 
"au".credit_forward_balance, "au".day_phone, "au".dob, "au".email, 
"au".evening_phone, "au".expire_date, "au".family_name, "au".first_given_name, 
"au".home_ou, "au".id, "au".ident_type, "au".ident_type2, "au".ident_value, 
"au".ident_value2, "au".last_xact_id, "au".mailing_address, 
"au".master_account, "au".net_access_level, "au".other_phone, "au".passwd, 
"au".photo_url, "au".prefix, "au".profile, "au".second_given_name, 
"au".standing, "au".suffix, "au".super_user, "au".usrgroup, "au".usrname, 
"au".deleted FROM actor.usr AS "au" WHERE "au".id = 0;

There is not actor.usr where id=0   since admin is the first usr and it has an 
id of 1

We have 2 installs and get an error trying to add or edit items on both.  Any 

Would it be possible to get the entire osrfsys logfile output for this action 
at debug level (zip'd attachment or posted somewhere)?  The simplest way to 
trim the output is to grep for the log trace, which is the last chunk of 
numbers between the [] in the log output.  In your example above, that's 


Bill Erickson
| VP, Software Development & Integration
| Equinox Software, Inc. / The Evergreen Experts
| phone: 877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
| email:<>
| web:

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