I can do 9:00 eastern but not 10 eastern. So, if it moves, I'm out.
Aside from that, it's fine ;-)

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Dan Scott <d...@coffeecode.net> wrote:
> 2009/10/12 Dan Scott <d...@coffeecode.net>:
>> We had 13 total responses to the poll for best times to hold the
>> developer IRC meeting, although two of them were refined responses based
>> on the clarification of the 1:00am/2:00am as actually meaning 1:00pm /
>> 2:00 pm.
>> So of the total of 11 responses, the best time (where only one person
>> would not be able to attend) turned out to be Friday, October 16th, at
>> 9:00 AM EST. My apologies to our friends on the West Coast - you're
>> welcome to attend in your pyjamas, even in bed - just don't turn on your
>> webcams, please :)
>> As a reminder, this is a public meeting for Evergreen developers that
>> will be held on the #evergreen channel on the Freenode IRC network
>> (http://open-ils.org/irc.php). All members of the community with an
>> interest in contributing to the development of Evergreen are welcome to
>> attend - and if you are unable to attend at the designated time, please
>> feel free to submit comments for any of the agenda items in advance to
>> the Evergreen development mailing list.
>> The agenda is continuing to evolve at
>> http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dev:meetings:2009-10 - please
>> extend and amend to ensure that it meets the immediate concerns of the
>> project. We might be able to make the meeting go a bit smoother by doing
>> some work in advance; for example, I've taken a few minutes to try and
>> clean up the bugs/features in Trac that I should have closed months ago
>> or deferred to a subsequent release.
>> For agenda items that have the potential to be too long to express
>> during a single IRC meeting, it would probably make sense to post more
>> considered opinions in advance on this mailing list. Examples of such
>> agenda items might include major release process changes or drastically
>> revising our bug tracking processes. If a given discussion item starts
>> eating up too much meeting time and a decision is not immediately
>> necessary, we can also delegate the responsibility to a volunteer
>> sub-team for investigating alternatives and coming up with a proposal
>> for adoption at the next meeting.
>> Lastly, all of this is new, so I'm sure there will be plenty of learning
>> as we go - like, distinguishing between AM vs. PM. Heh. :)
> Well, just to throw another curve... it seems that in an attempt to be
> helpful, when you enable time zone support, even though you enter the
> times for a given poll with a given time zone (I chose "America/New
> York"), Doodle resets the time zone display to "America/Rainy River"
> for everyone every time they enter the poll. So, those who switched
> the time zone to "America/New York" (or the equivalent) would have
> seen time slot choices of 2:00 am, 3:00 am, 8:00 am, 9:00 am, and
> 10:00 am; while the default of "America/Rainy River" showed 1:00am,
> 2:00am, 7:00am, 8:00am, and 9:00am.
> From David's response pointing out the 1:00 am vs. 1:00 pm screw up,
> I'm guessing that he missed that time zone problem as well, and it's
> likely that others did. Which means that we have 11/12 people who
> responded yes to either 10:00am or 9:00 am (EDT) on Friday, October
> 16th.
> I know our West Coast friends would prefer the 10:00am EDT time slot
> on Friday, October 16th. To side step another Doodle poll, would that
> be okay with everyone else?

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