Hello again,

I'm trying to run through the MFHD test dataset located in trunk:

The first step, importing serials_marc21.xml, works fine. However,
when I try to import serials_mfhd.xml, I get the following error:

  Couldn't process record: Can't locate object method "new" via
package "Fieldmapper::serial::full_rec" (perhaps you forgot to load
"Fieldmapper::serial::full_rec"?) at
/openils/lib/perl5//OpenILS/Application/Ingest.pm line 1222.

Looking through fm_IDL.xml, I notice that there are classes "full_rec"
classes for metabib and authority records ("mfr" and "afr",
respectively), but not serials:

  <class id="mfr" controller="open-ils.cstore"
oils_persist:tablename="metabib.full_rec" reporter:label="Flattened
MARC Fields">
  <class id="afr" controller="open-ils.cstore"
oils_persist:tablename="authority.full_rec" reporter:label="Full
Authority Record">

Should there be an "sfr" class, too? Or does something else (in
Ingest.pm?) need to be changed?


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