Hi Jason,

I was doing some simple experimenting this morning with BibTemplate and was 
able to create a very basic Call number display on our test server. Here is 
what we did to set this up:

1) In the default skin folder, edit js/result_common.js and add the line:


to the top of that file.

Then, add

 //instantiate bibtemplate
var here = findOrgUnit(getLocation());
new openils.BibTemplate({ root: r, record : rec.doc_id(), org_unit : 
here.shortname() }).render();

to the resultDisplayRecord(rec, pos, is_mr) function of the same file.

I stole this code directly from Conifer's Evergreen contribution repository at:
-check out that file for specifics.

2)  Add this line to the xml/result/result_table.xml file:
<span type='opac/slot-data' query='datafield[tag=050]' 
id='rresult_cn'></span><br />

This simply pulls the 050 call number  marc field into the page.

I placed this just above the title link line:
<a title="&result.table.keyword;" name='item_title' class='title_link'>

The results can be seen at:

Now, I emphasize that this is a simplistic starting point for testing purposes 
just to get started. Sometimes I like to start with the simplest example and go 
from there.

Conifer is working on a much more useful and sophisticated results page which 
will pull in copy level information. The possibilities of the BibTemplate being 
used in the results page are incredible.

Thank you Dan Scott for your presentation at Evergreen and Thank you Kevin 
Beswick for your work on the results page! And thank you to all the developers 
for the BibTemplate tool!


From: open-ils-dev-boun...@list.georgialibraries.org 
[open-ils-dev-boun...@list.georgialibraries.org] On Behalf Of Jason Boyer 
Sent: May 3, 2010 2:48 PM
To: Evergreen Development Discussion List
Subject: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] ***SPAM*** Re:  ***SPAM*** Looking at BibTemplate

I'm working on getting a VM setup at work so I can spend more time with it, 
when I was having trouble getting results with other tags I was using my home 
laptop with a version of trunk that's got some age on it. All I've tried to do 
there was add fields to the record display, nothing terribly fancy. That's 
working out ok, I just wanted to see if it was a local issue (looks that way) 
or if I was misunderstanding the scope of BibTemplate's abilities.

Word of someone working on a results page with call numbers is what has me 
working on this in the first place. I got a lot out of your EG2010 conference 
presentation, and one of the complaints I've heard from staff ever since we 
migrated was that they wanted to see call numbers in search results instead of 
loading every record individually. I didn't know that there was a working 
example of a results page though, that will be a big help.

Thanks for the pointers.


Jason Boyer, IT Specialist
Jackson County Public Library
303 W Second St
Seymour, IN 47274


On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 8:23 PM, Dan Scott 
<d...@coffeecode.net<mailto:d...@coffeecode.net>> wrote:
On 2 May 2010 11:19, Jason Boyer 
<jas...@myjclibrary.org<mailto:jas...@myjclibrary.org>> wrote:
> I'm looking a little at BibTemplate in 1.6 and have a couple quick
> questions.
> One, I've been having some trouble getting any tags but <td> to work with
> the type and query attributes. I've seen examples using spans, but I
> couldn't get them to do anything.

On our system, I just tried adding:

<p type='opac/slot-data' query='datafield[tag=245]'></p>

to the top of our rdetails/rdetail_summary.xml file, above the table
that normally displays the elements. And... it showed the contents of
the 245 field as you would expect. Maybe you want to share an example
of what you were trying to do?

> Second, is BibTemplate enabled on the search results page, or only record
> details? If it's not on the results page, how difficult would it be to add,
> and is that already planned for a later release?

There's not much to do to enable BibTemplate; Dojo is already active
on the search results page, so you just need to clone the
dojo.addOnLoad() section of rdetails/rdetail_summary.xml that contains
the dojo.require('openils.BibTemplate') call and adjust the request to
reflect the bib ID of each record.

My colleague Kevin Beswick has an initial draft of a results page that
uses BibTemplate running at
- there's still some work he needs to do, but it's the direction we're
heading. And in general, yes, I think BibTemplate on the default skin
for search results and more use of it on the record details page are
goals for a future release.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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