
I will try to be briefer than usual, as I really want to get some initial 
reactions before I go to far in trying to think this out.  Basically, when I 
began working on serials, I kept with the idea that a MFHD record would be 
central to both predictions and holdings.  Being the opaque and complex format 
that it is, this adds some fairly serious complexity and overhead to serials 
management (predicting, receiving, claiming, discarding, and displaying).  What 
we really want is to maintain full compatibility with the MFHD standard without 
the overhead of maintaining a full MFHD record.  The simplest way to do this is 
to keep MFHD field data in some stringified form (where appropriate), but to 
associate this data directly with the element it represents.  This is precisely 
what we have done with the issuance table, as it has fields for storing the 
enumeration/chronology statement (863-5) which the issuance represents.  We 
have also parted out the textual holdings (866-8) to be directly associated 
with the appropriate holding library via the distribution table (and friends), 
and location and item information are handled by the item and unit tables.

At this point we really need to ask, what's left?  The answer: not a whole lot. 
 Chief among the survivors are the caption and pattern statements (853-5).  I 
am proposing we get those out as well.  We will continue using the MFHD data, 
but it will be stored where it is most relevant, not as a central record (which 
we could always regenerate for export purposes).  We will need at least one new 
table, something like:

serial.caption_and_pattern (
    id          SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
    base                INT     NOT NULL REFERENCES serial.base (id) ON DELETE 
    type                TEXT    NOT NULL CHECK (type IN 
    active              BOOL    NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
    marc                TEXT    NOT NULL,
    enum_1      TEXT    DEFAULT NULL,
    enum_2      TEXT    DEFAULT NULL,

The first five columns are essential, but I can see benefits from separate 
columns for each level of enumeration and chronology captions as well.  I also 
propose (as evidenced by column 2) that we create a new root table called 
'serial.base' (or something similar). What do we gain by doing these things?

1) In the most recent schema, holdings data is linked to its matching 
caption/pattern via subfield 8s in various fields 'hidden' within the marc 
column of serial.record_entry.  While it is therefore well-defined, it is also 
invisible to the DB layer.  A separate caption_and_pattern table will allow the 
holdings data to reference its caption/pattern data directly.
2) If we proceed (as planned) to create columns in both caption_and_pattern and 
serial.issuance to hold the non-repeatable enumeration and chronology fields, 
we can reliably query for and display a single issuance or group of issuances 
without consulting the MARC at all.
3) We can easily augment places where the MFHD standard is weak.  One very 
obvious place is its failure to identify whether a pattern should be considered 
active or not, a problem this table easily rectifies.
4) The only 'serial' table currently in production use is serial.record_entry.  
Rather than altering or repurposing it, we can allow it to hang on as-is for 
those libraries (like us, Laurentian, and perhaps others) which have invested 
in it (we have around 1,650 of these records in use).  Doing so will allow us 
to phase in the new system on our own terms.

Well, this is getting longish, so I'm going to stop there and hopefully get the 
first reactions I am seeking.  Thank you very much for your time and thoughts.

Dan Wells

Daniel Wells, Library Programmer Analyst d...@calvin.edu
Hekman Library at Calvin College

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