Hello again,

Just as an FYI, I think at least the basic structural components of the serials 
interface are now all committed. It consists of more rough edges than polish at 
this point, but at least it is out there for the daring. There are still a few 
uncommitted files, and I expect to make regular commits over the next few days 
to shore up the receiving interface. Once that is done, I'll take a few days to 
tackle the 'FIXME's and the the most important of the 'TODO's.

I'll send another email when I think it is really worth the effort needed to 
get it set up.


>>> Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley 07/15/10 2:15 PM >>> 
Aha! My bad for jumping the gun a bit. Looks like it will be cool. 


Dan Wells wrote: 
> Hello, 
> There are still some commits forthcoming. The problem you are experiencing 
> has most to do with the fact that the interface defaults to the 'Items' tab, 
> but only the 'Subscriptions' tab code has been committed. There are also IDL 
> and a few schema changes yet to commit. I am going to spend a couple more 
> days on the Items tab to get basic predicting/receiving functional again, and 
> will surely let everyone know when I *think* all the initial pieces are in 
> place. 
> Thanks, 
> Dan 
>>>> On 7/15/2010 at 11:04 AM, Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley 
> wrote: 
>> Dan Wells has recently done a lot of work to in the serials area, and he 
>> has created staff client interfaces that promise to cover large parts of 
>> the serials management workflow. Kudos to Dan! 
>> I'm hoping to draw you out to talk about it a little more, Dan, :-) but 
>> also, there seems to be a little bit of code that's missing, or still to 
>> be committed? 
>> In trying to look at your new interfaces, I chose "Serial Control View" 
>> from the "Actions for this Record" menu of the staff client's opac 
>> wrapper, but from there I just get an error to the effect that my_init 
>> is undefined, and the interfaces are blank. 
>> I can see from your code that there should be definitely be something 
>> happening there, so I'm just wondering whether some JS files are 
>> missing, and/or some XUL overlays (there's a reference to at least one 
>> missing file, manage_items.xul, but I haven't made an exhaustive search 
>> for others). 
>> Sorry if I'm drawing attention to ragged edges, but I'm aching to see 
>> what's going on in the serials UI! 
>> Thanks, 

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