Hi Preeti:

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 10:51 AM, preeti . <ppreet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am eagerly Waiting for response from EverGreen. Please give answer to
> queries as mentioned in last mail ASAP.
> I want to submit Propsal in Mono Project as the deadline is tomorrow for
> GSOC 2012.

You can submit a proposal to the Mono project as well as the Evergreen
project if you like.

> I would be interested in this project:
> "Translate certain search-related SQL query components to C-based stored
> procedures"
> I am working on understanding the basics as of now. I shall be thankful for
> any guidance from the team members about
> how to go about.

The basics would be:

1) Install Evergreen
2) Build one or more realistic workloads that exercise the database
(constrictor might help here)
3) Measure the performance and determine where there are bottlenecks
in the database performance
4) Address those bottlenecks - with one approach being to translate
non-C stored procedures / database functions to C stored procedures
5) Measure the performance with the translated database stored
procedures / functions to determine where improvements have occurred

> Please provide me more details regarding above project, so that i can decide
> timelines of project, followed by mentioning them in proposal that i want to
> submit in EverGreen for GSOC 2012.

You are the person responsible for working out the details and
creating the proposal. If you ask specific questions, we can help with
those. If you're having problems installing Evergreen or running it,
we can help with that. But if we write your proposal for you, we have
no way of knowing if you actually have the ability to do what you / we
are proposing for the summer.

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