On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 11:23:27AM -0400, Mike Rylander wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 11:14 AM, Dan Scott <d...@coffeecode.net> wrote:
> > Asciidoc lets you offset the levels of included files, idea being that
> > you might want to recombine individual topics at different levels in
> > different publications. So what I've been doing in the DIG docs when I
> > add a topic is add a normal top-level Asciidoc file, then offset it when
> > I include it.
> That works fine when you intend to keep the included files around and
> separate, but I thought that the intention with the release notes as
> to have one file that absorbs all the smaller ones.  No?  If I
> misunderstand, or if I don't but keeping the individual files around
> is better and obvious to all but me, then, well, never mind.

If you want a single consolidated text file, asciidoc gives you a way of
generating it:

a2x --format=text release_notes_container.txt

Less mucking about in git history and an easy step to add to the
make_release script.

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