Hello Larry,

Based on what I see here, step 9 was successful.  The 'admin'/'open-ils' 
credentials are old values which used to be hard-coded into the install, so 
your 'egadmin' test is what is relevant here, and it looks fine.  I have 
updated step 9 of the 'checking_for_errors' page to better reflect the fact 
that the admin account is no longer always the same out-of-the-box.

It also looks like you are expecting your Linux system accounts to be able to 
login to Evergreen, but that is not correct.  The only Evergreen account which 
exists after a typical install will be the admin account you created (i.e. 
'egadmin'), so when testing the staff client login, make sure to use those 


>Thank you for the troubleshooting link - I should have tried it before my
>initial contact.
>I have followed the troubleshooting procedure as per the instructions and
>"Bombed" at step 9 as follows:
>opensrf@eg-test:~$ srfsh
>srfsh# login admin open-ils
>Received Data: "0bc600d1a3da01b16e102fa63f2c77be"
>Request Completed Successfully
>Request Time in seconds: 0.009520
>Received Data: {
>  "ilsevent":1000,
>  "textcode":"LOGIN_FAILED",
>  "desc":"User login failed",
>  "pid":2713,
>  "stacktrace":"oils_auth.c:596"
>Request Completed Successfully
>Request Time in seconds: 0.015721
>Login Session: (none).  Session timeout: 0.000000
>If I attempt to login using my egadmin account I get success as follows:
>opensrf@eg-test:~$ srfsh
>srfsh# login egadmin egadmin
>Received Data: "c7dba4da8811043445a24e5395d595e0"
>Request Completed Successfully
>Request Time in seconds: 0.008854
>Received Data: {
>  "ilsevent":0,
>  "textcode":"SUCCESS",
>  "desc":"Success",
>  "pid":2713,
>  "stacktrace":"oils_auth.c:523",
>  "payload":{
>    "authtoken":"fdb02acf251bd887ff953fd2b8820c4b",
>    "authtime":420
>  }
>Request Completed Successfully
>Request Time in seconds: 0.381639
>Login Session: fdb02acf251bd887ff953fd2b8820c4b.  Session timeout:
>The requested log files have been attached for the exception of a router log
>which does not exist.
>PS.  I can't authenticate using the staff client with the Linux accounts for
>"opensrf" or the user account "larry".
>There is an OPAC running but I see no way to use it for authentication.
>Thank You,
>Larry Arnold

Daniel Wells, Library Programmer Analyst d...@calvin.edu
Hekman Library at Calvin College

>>> On 10/11/2012 at 10:10 AM, "Sharp, Chris" <csh...@georgialibraries.org> 
>>> wrote:
> Hi Larry,
> I recommend you follow the steps for troubleshooting at this link:
> http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=troubleshooting:checking_for_e 
> rrors
> Then feel free to report back any problems you encounter from there.
> Hope that helps,
> Chris

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